CHAPTER 2 The Place To Be

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We have been on this plane for 8 hours

What have i been doing 

Troye and i are sharing headphone listening to music on my spotify

Once and a while one of his songs will come on and we would start to sing it

And once Copy cat by Lox Chatterbox came on i started to sing it and Troye looked at me like i was weird after a while he finally spoke up

"Why haven't i heard of this, it sounds like a song i should know, I like it" Troye said and started to move is arms with the beat and i joined him

"Ladies and gentelmen we are about to land, it has been an honnor flying with you all"

The captin said over the speaker, this was Troyes stop i had to get on another plane

To go where?

Only YouTube knows

We where looking out of the window and we reconized where we where

"I'm going to be living in NewYork?!" Troye said, he looked happy about where he was staying

Once we landed and got off of the plane we went to baggage claim to grab our suitcases

While we where standing there a bag came by and it had a tag on it that said sidemen on it

"Dang sidemen are everywhere why haven't we heard of them" I said looking at the suit case while Troye tried to see who the bag belonged to

"Yeah i have traveled alot and this is the first time i have ever heard about them" Troye said still seeing who would claim the bag " Do you think it is a group of people around the world or just cer+tain people?"

"I don't know, maybe those people we meet at star bucks where them" I said and Troye pointed at something, i looked to where he was pointing and one of the boys from star bucks was grabbing the bag still wearing the sidemen shirt he was wearing before" I think that was the one that told the one who helped me they needed to go, i thnk he called him Minter?"

He must had felt our gaze apon him because he looked at us and reconized us and came over to us

"Hey your the people we ran into today"The boy said reaching his hand out to shake mine " Hi my name is Simon Minter"

"(F/n) and this is Troye Sivan" I said taking his hand and shaking it then he went to shake Troyes hand

"Yeah it's great finally meeting you, what are you guys doing here?" Simon asked us and me and Troye made eye contact and i finally replied

"Well our job brought us here, or well Troye is the only one staying here" I said and Simon nodded his head

"Weird mine too, but i need to get on another flight i'm not staying here" Simon said and we all laughed

"Weird but here are bags" Troye said grabbing our bags and handing me mine

"Thank you Sivan" I said and he nodded

The three of us turned around and seen a sign that had Troye's name on it witch we could only asume was Troye's driver

"Well looks like that's me"Troye said and turned to me and Simon

 "It was great to finally meet you Simon" Troye said shaking his hand again

"Yeah same Troye, hope to see you again" Simon said and Troye nodded and smiled

"GoodBye (N/n), FaceTime me every day and remember, take avantage of this trip" Troye said and i knew what he meant

"I will try Sivan, but i will FaceTime you daily" I said wrapping my arms around him for a hug

He started to go and turned around to me and Simon and waved one last time and was gone with his driver

"Was that really Troye Sivan?" Simon asked pointing at the way Troye went

"Yup the one and only" I said turning to face him " Now we have another flight to catch so lets go"

We started to go back into the airport and we where looking at our tickets

"What gate do you need to go to?" Simon asked me 

"Um, I have to go to 244" I said looking up to him because he was alot taller than me

"Damn we aren't on the same flight i got 162" He said

"Well thats a bummer, can i get your number to stay in touch?" I asked him

"Yeah i was about to ask you that" He said

We traded phones and put our numbers in each others phones then gave each others phones back

"Well it was nice meeting you (Y/n) but that is me over there" Simon said pointing at gate 162

"Oh yeah, well when we are back in town we have to meet up" I said giving him a hug and he hugged back

"We shall" he said letting go of me "Bye"

"Bye" i said watching him go to his flight, now it's only me

I started to go through the airport and finally found my gate, it was a 15 minute wait til we could board so i seen a star bucks and went over there to get a coffee, it's hard traveling so much, i don't knw how Troye does it

Once i got my drink i turned around to see

Another siadmen sitting at a tabel at starbucks on his laptop

It was the one that yelled at me and Troye when we where walking back to my place, he noticed me starring at him and waved me over

"Yo what are you doing here?" he asked me

"I could ask you the same thing" I said to him 

"Touche" He said smiling " I like your attitide, my name is Olajide but everyone call me JJ"

"(Y/n), so what are you doing here Jide" I asked him taking a seat across from him and he smirked probally because i called him Jide

"My job, what about you?" He asked me

"Same, your freind Simon was here but he got on his flight already" I told JJ and he looked at me

"Well i guess this is the place to be then" He said laughing " What about that other guy you where with earler?"

"Oh, you mean Troye, well he needs to stay here in New York for a while" I told him and he nodded, then all of a sudden his phone went off and it started to ring Can You Keep up by KSI, thats when i relized

"KSI" I said and he looked happy i knew who he is, we have been talking on twitter for a while now and he is like my best freind, it's just we never got to meet in person

"Yup thats right miss (Yt/n)" He said winking at me

(That yt/n means youtube name, yup)

"Wow Jide? Why didn't you say anything today at the shop?" I asked

"I don't know i was going to after we got our drinks but you know YouTube Red email came and ya know" He said closing his laptop and putting it in his back pack and leaning back in his chair

"Yeah it's fine, well now we finally meet we need to record together" I said"And now finally we met in person give me your number"

"Yeah we really do" Jide said and we tradded numbers,then my flight started to board 

"Well Jide i got to go" I said standing up and he got up to and gave me a hug "I remember telling me you where tall but you and all of you sidemen are massive!"

"I know that also what makes us stand out" He said laughing and i waved him goodbye and got on my flight

Gee, it's only been 8 hours but i am already happy i was chosen for this

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