#4 - "It's really hard to explain"

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"Don't you entertain that thought for a moment! I kissed you to try and show you that I felt the same way. It did get a bit.... intense, but you are the one who pulled my face closer and getting me all excited." Thinking more about what had happened, I decided to catch myself, "But I didn't do too much to stop you, we both took it up a notch." I smiled at what I was saying, we both wanted to take it further with each other.

*Ashley POV*

"We both took it up a notch." That was pretty true, but why was he laughing? He was being super cute and it wasn't fair. I wanted him to be my cute, giggling, Batman-obsessed man, not anybody elses - mine. His laugh and his smile was making me melt inside, along with knowing how he felt about me.

Suddenly, the realization hit me. "What about Juliet?" We all loved Juliet, she was such a sweet girl, and Andy really did love her. None of us wanted to hurt her, and I never wanted Andy to cheat on her. Now Andy's cheated on her with me and the thought of me causing her pain was killing me. I looked down at Andy's arm, staring right at the red heart that read "JULIET".

Andy looked down at the same tattoo, his face twisting into a grimace of pain and frustration. "I don't know what to do about that. Should I even tell her? She'll hate me."

I looked back up to his face, "She'll hate you even more if she finds out later from somebody else."

Angry now, Andy whipped his head up, taking a small step back from me, "Nobody else knows about today, and CC and Jake won't say anything about last night. If I don't tell her, then she would only find out from you. Would you really do that?" Andy seemed pretty intent on keeping things quiet, but I didn't want to keep things such a dark secret. I wanted things to be open and for everybody to be able to trust each other.

"I don't want to be burdened to hold this kind of a secret, Andy. I'll end up spilling. CC and Jake do know about last night, and if they ask questions, I won't be able to keep myself from spilling about today. I don't want to avoid them the whole way home."

Andy shuffled from one foot to the other, obviously thinking about what I had just said. "I'll talk to CC when we get back to the bus. I'll make sure he didn't say anything to anybody. You talk to Jake, tell him what happened today as well, we can trust him with that. We can both talk to Jinxx together. If they all know what's going on when I tell Juliet, it'll be easier and I won't have to sneak off to talk to her about it." It seemed like a good plan. CC didn't need to know about today yet, at least until we knew he was going to be quiet about everything. CC did like to talk, and he would talk about just about anything.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's just.... go back." I turned and walked straight back to the bus without looking to see if he was following me.

*Andy POV*

CC and I stood at the side of the bus. I was finally having a cigarette. The driver refused to let me smoke on the bus, and he hated to stop just so I could smoke. After this morning with Ashley, and the conversation we'd just had, each drag felt better than the last.

"I know you saw what happened last night. Did you say anything to anybody?" I wanted to get right to the point before the other guys came around.

Chuppy looked at me, obviously trying not to laugh, "No dude, I went right to bed after that. What the hell was that? You guys were all over each other. Ash didn't even get like that with the girls. It was sorta weird to watch." He scratched his head, it must have been weird for him to replay the night in his mind.

I didn't blame him for feeling weird about what he saw, "About that.... we want to be totally honest with you guys. We both really liked it, we've talked about it a lot today. We want to clear up any confusion."

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