
"No I'm paying."

Were the two answers I got.

"No Mitch, I'm paying. You did let me stay last night at such short notice, and I want to pay. And yeah, Skyla. I fancy Italian too..."

"I don't care about that." Mitch whined. "I told you it was no big deal that you came to stay. You're part of the family; remember?" He smiled, but I wouldn't give in. Only problem was;

Neither did he.

We ended up bickereing all the way to where the food courts were, until we came to a mutual agreement. We were having Italian. Me and Mitch would split the money. We walked into Carluccio's, seeing as it was the only nice Italian place here.

I ordered cherry juice, and spinich and ricotta ravioli. It was good.

We talked, we ate, we laughed, we drank, until everybody was finished and we decided to go to the cinima.

We paid the bill, and tipped our waitress who seemed to have an interest in Mitch which made me and sky laugh.

We went up the elevator, to the top floor of the mall which was where the cinema was.

"What did you wanna go and see?" I asked Mitch.

He grinned evilly.


Half an hour later, I'm sat in between my best friend and her brother hiding behind out large order of popcorn due to the scary images I was seeing on the big screen.

A girl was just murdered. She was twelve years old.

Skyla laughed. She fucking laughed.

And Mitch? Well he wasn't much better. He just sat there clapping throughout the whole thing.

The people behind us were starting to get pissed off. I could tell.

"Could you have not picked a more 'less scary' film." I whispered to Mitch who was so engaged in the movie; he didn't reply.

"This is good." Skyla says smiling. "It's funny."

"I swear that you are both twin physcopaths. How is a twelve year old girl dying, funny to you? Oh yeah I forgot I was speaking to queen crazy of cuckoo land." I winked. She chuckled loudly, which earned an annoyed 'hushing' sound from the couple behind us.

I bit my lip, trying to not laugh as skyla held her hand high in the air and gave them both the middle finger from behind.



I wanted to scream out in frustration.

Why is she doing this to me?

How is she doing this to me?

I sound way too fucking girly right now.

I watched her intimately, as she hurried away and stormed off to her car. You could see the car park from here.

For ten minutes she sat in her car, crying and I wanted to do something. But I didn't.

I was debating with myself on wether I should climb out of this tree and go and talk to her.

In the end, I swung my legs off of the branch I was sitting on, and swiftly climbed to the bottom. I jogged out to the car park, hoping to see her in the blue Toyota still.

But she was gone.

For fucks sake...

I needed to get out of here. Like right now, before I smash something. She makes me so fucking angry sometimes.

Nefarious BoyWhere stories live. Discover now