holy shitstain

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Chase was mesmerized by John Cena's performance. Who wasn't? Something about that hot soaking meme of action filled him up with chemical romance. Chase felt something he didn't feel often: being horny. And this wasn't a "cool i get to touch boobz" horniness, this was deep, passionate, butt-begging full-blown gone with the wind love. 

"i want john cena to fill my butt up with his love", Chase said in his usual emo lowercase aesthetic voice. 

Lacey realized the Chase's sentence had an ominous resemblance to Shrek is love Shrek is life. She knew this was the end. Their Game Grumps-style friendship would come to an end because of John Cena's unwavering handsomeness that hypnotized Chase. Sweet fuckles, this sucked. Like, damn. Lacey and Chase really had a thing going. It's all blown to pieces because John Cena couldn't fucking control his hot ass. Hope you like what you were doing, John Cena. Everything's ruined now. 

Once again, poor Lacey once again had her life obliterated by meme-related forces. 

Little did she know that this would happen to her over and over again... memes growing around the areas of Magic World and destroying lives. Numerous people felt the wrath of outdated 2009 "Me Gusta" memes come out and kill their glory. In fact, these memes became such pivotal force of frustration that soon, there was war against memes. Prejudice against memes. Over time, memes became more and more loathed, but it was up to the memes and memers to let others know that memes deserved their rights to exist and bring laughs as well. The Meme Renaissance. 

But before we get to that, let's talk about Lacey and how she's lonely now.

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