Duites for Alpha

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Skylar walked in the lounge room, a rubbish bag in one hand and started to pick up the empty bottles, being careful in case some weren't as empty as she thought. All the clothes that littered the laundry were all in the wash, she just had to wait till the wash was done that she could fold and put away the alpha's and other pack members clothes.

Sighing, Skylar searched underneath the big red couches and recliners to see if she had missed any bottles, she searched under the couch cushions and pillows and found four beer bottles, still with alcohol, under one of the cushions. She groaned, she would have to soak the spot.

How can six males stand to make such a big mess in one house? Skylar thought to herself, shaking her head, And how can they put four beer bottles under the couch cushions with beer still in them. Huffing she grabbed the beer bottles and took them over to the sink, which she still had to clear the kitchen, and poured the rest of the beer down the crowded sink.

Letting out a breath, she walked over to the rubbish bin and took the bag and put it in the bag she put the alcohol bottles. Walking to the front door she went outside to the bins and put the rubbish all in it. Walking back inside she looked under the sink to get the cleaning cushions equipment and walked over the spot that she had to clean and sprayed the couch. Letting it soak for a bit, she walked over to the kitchen, putting a clean bag in the bin, she scrapped off the scraps and put water in the sink.

Men, they make such a big mess and then demand we clean it up then demand more stuff. Skylar huffed, she hated the fact that she is a kind and gentle hearted girl who would do anything for the alpha rather than stand up to him. Grabbing a tea-towel from the drawers and a clean cloth, she looked on the wall where the clock was.

11:23AM, Skylar looked up to the roof and closed her eyes. She would have to clean and put away all the dishes and clean the beer stain on the couch, she still needed to fold and put away the clothes and she still had to make and give the sandwich to Alpha. Alpha, the one person she wanted more than anything else to acknowledge her.

All he thought of her was small and weak little girl who has a silly school girl crush, he even knew, and that was the hardest past. Mark knew how much Skylar adores and worships him, but he couldn't look past how weak she was. Next month is her birthday, June the 5th, and on that day is the night of the full moon and that is when she would be classified as a 'mature' wolf. She was meant to find her mate, meant too.

Shaking her head, she put on rubber cloves and started washing the dishes as fast as she could.


Skylar ran through the field as fast as her legs could, she was puffing and nearly out of breath as she clutched the brown paper bag to her chest. Alpha Mark will surely be furious at her. She cleared the kitchen and put away the dishes, the couch stain was cleared too, thankfully, but she still needed to put away the clothes, she had only less than 10 minutes to get the sandwich to Mark before she would make both her father and Mark furious with her. She couldn't change in her wolf or she would be punished for changing without consent, ridiculous rule but rules are rules, plus she was a 'disgrace' to her pack for being so small and puny.

Running to the clearing of the forest, Skylar could hear the rough housing of her fellow pack members. Slowing down, she stopped to catch her breath. Smoothing her still pony-tailed hair, she bowed her head down low as she walked on the dirt path where everyone was huddled around in a big circle, looking around quickly to find Mark, she saw both him and her father quietly chatting to themselves. Bowing her head once again, she shifted past people and as quickly as possible, she walked up to them both.

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