Chapter 1

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Castiel was in a bar. Drowning his blood in alchohol. He was tired. Tired of breathing. Tired of hurting. Tired of living. He wanted to die. Maybe tonight would be the night. The night he ended it all. All the pain and suffering. "More whiskey" he said to the bartender "actually... Just give me the strongest thing you have." The bartender set his glass back down with some mysterious yellowish-brown liquid in it. He took a swig. Any normal time he would've winced. Holy fuck that was strong. Instead, he just downed the whole glass. He got up and walked out of the bar. He stumbled for a while and then started walking normally.

Cas walked into town. There was a high bridge. He climbed to the edge. 'This is the end' he thought 'no more pain, no more loneliness. Kicked out by my family, rejected by my friends. I'm nothing. No one will miss me.' He took a deep breath and had just let go of the ledge when he felt a strong pair of hands go under his armpits and pull him back onto the ledge, and help him back onto the bridge. "What's your name?" The person asked. "C-ca-castiel" he stuttered. He, with bloodshot eyes, looked up at the man. Bright green eyes were staring back at him. "Castiel? Is that right?" Cas nodded weakly. "Well, my name is Dean. And you're not dying tonight." Dean let Cas back to his car and layed him down in the back seat. He climbed into the drivers side and started driving.

He arrived at his home. Not fancy, not trashed, but comfortable. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an average sized house. He woke Cas up and helped him inside. He helped him change into some pajamas, helped him into bed, and got him some water. "Here, you really need to drink this. There's a good chance you won't remember any of this in the morning, but if you do, we'll talk." Dean stayed long enough to make sure Cas finished the water. "I'm going to go to bed. If you need anything, come get me. I'm just across the hall, okay?" Cas nodded before falling asleep.

     Dean went to his room and changed into pajama pants and an old AC/DC shirt. He climbed into bed, turned out the light, and drifted to sleep.

     Cas woke up with a pounding headache. He got up and found a bathroom. He was going to be sick. After he felt well enough to leave the bathroom, he made his way to the room across the hall from his. The one Dean told him to go to if he needed anything. He knocked on the door. He waited a few seconds to be greeted by a sleepy looking Dean with extreme bed head. "G-good morning" Cas said "mmm, mornin" Dean moaned "you told me to come get you if I needed anything. I have a pounding headache. Would you happen to have any Tylenol?" Dean walked out of his room and shut the door. "Yep" he answered. They walked downstairs and Dean grabbed the Tylenol "two, or three?" He asked. "Four?" Cas asked and chuckled a bit. Dean grabbed four pills out of the bottle and handed them to Cas, along with a bottle of water.

     Dean grabbed a couple pans, some eggs, and some bacon, and started to make breakfast. "You want toast?" He asked Cas. "Yes please" Cas replied with a faint smile. Dean returned the smile and started to make toast. While he was cooking, Dean started to hum what Cas could make out to be the song Heat of the moment by Asia. "Do you drink coffee?" Dean asked Cas. "No, I'm okay with water, thank you." Cas answered. Dean turned off the burners and dished up two plates of eggs, bacon and toast. He set the plates down and sat down. "Sorry about kinda kidnapping you last night. I'd hate for anyone to kill themselves and I was afraid that if I left you there, you'd do it." Dean said before taking a bite of his toast. "It's okay. Thank you, actually. I would have done it." Cas looked down ashamed. "Why were you out by yourself, anyway? It's dangerous and when you drink you're even more vulnerable." Cas cleared his throat, " my family kicked me out and none of my friends would let me stay with them." Cas took a drink of water and set the bottle back down. "Why did they kick you out?" Dean asked, an inquisitive look on his face. "I told them I'm gay and they apparently don't support that." Cas said, looking down again. Dean looked at him caringly, "well you can stay here as long as you need or want to." The men smiled at each other.

     Cas and Dean finished their breakfast in silence. Dean took a drink if his coffee and cleared his throat. "Well let's get you showered and then we can go see a movie or something," Dean smiled at him before getting up and putting their plates in the sink. "Sounds good" Cas replied with a smile.

Please Don't Let Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें