Harreh ; Curly Fries

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We haven't been on the best terms most of the time but towards the end we were great friends. You and I could talk about a lot, mostly about Louis and our problems. But you always seemed to be smart about things, and I always seemed to get you to come back even when you didn't want to, which I apologize sincerely about. I'm sorry for putting you through hell when we first met and making things worse between you and Lou. But he's my best friend, and you're harreh. You two always find a way back to each other and knowing that both of you are happy is good enough. I just want you to look out for Louis after this.. If I know anything, he's going to need his friends and you.. I know that whenever we talked it would be quick but you always made me smile when it came to those small conversations. I would say 'HARREHHHHHHHH' You would call me either Zen or ocassionally Zaynie which was always weird honestly. You made me sane Harry, towards the end.. You helped me think straight and stayed when you wanted to go.. You stayed because I begged since Liam was gone and you did. Thank you so much for being my friend Harry.. I didn't deserve you or this group.. I'm sorry I came into your lives.. But again, thank you.. Because of you guys, I wasn't alone...

I love you Harreh, stay strong and keep carrying on.

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