
"Now you're flushed. Are you sure you're ok Harry?"

"Ye..yeah I'm fine. Sorry.." he didn't sound fine at all. Sweet Merlin he sounded like he wasn't able to hold a normal conversation. "Well I better head in and find Ron and Hermione. I'm sure they're wondering where I am. Um thanks for checking on me I guess..I'll make sure to talk to you later."

With that Harry started to walk back towards the castle entrance. Ava watched him walk away, trying not to be rude and laugh at his ridiculousness. She probably should head in as well, but before she even moved she saw something from the corner of her eye.

When she turned fully back towards the court yard she saw a bright light appear. Watching it for a bit she realized where the light was coming from. It was right where Voldemort's body had been. "Harry!"

She hoped he didn't get too far yet. When the light dimmed she noticed that there was something different about the body. It didn't quite look the same.. it was smaller seemingly. Once the light was gone completely, she was able to see that the black robes were gone. In fact it looked like..school robes? Without a second thought she moved closer to the body. What she saw however was something she never would have guessed. The person lying there definitely wasn't the snake-like dark lord. It was a man, a young man probably her age, and he was quite attractive as well.

She was right about the robes too. Although they were very old fashioned, the robes were clearly Hogwarts' school robes. Slytherin ones as well. Looking closer, Ava took in any little detail she could at the moment. He had short, curly dark brown almost black hair that was neatly cut and styled. He had defined cheekbones and a strong jaw line. He was obviously well built too and..

Is he breathing? Yes, he was definitely breathing! Who is this guy?

She certainly has never seen him before, she would have remembered if she had. So he was very much alive, but she didn't know if that was good or not. This man appeared in the spot Voldemort had been until a minute ago. That thought made Ava feel a little uneasy. How was that even possible? It didn't make sense that this guy would just appear out of nowhere. Where did Voldemort's body go then? Oh this isn't good. No not at all.

She quickly looked back to see if Harry had heard her by any chance. Of course he probably didn't since he wasn't out here. When she looked back, Ava was slightly relieved to see he was only standing in the entry way talking with his friends. At least she could get his attention if need be.

Suddenly she heard a small groan come from next to her. Ava whipped back around to the guy laying on the ground next to her. She thought that for a moment she had just heard something else since it didn't seem like he moved at all. That is until he groaned again, startling Ava. She watched him for a few seconds to see if he would move at all, but he still didn't.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Ava tried to speak to him to see if maybe she would get some sort of response.

He still didn't move or make a sound at all. Strange. Ava noticed that a piece of his hair had fallen down his forehead and out of habit, she reached toward it. She slowly moved it back from his face and out of his eye. As soon as she moved her hand back his eyes snapped open, scaring Ava. She jumped back slightly, trying to control her rapid breathing. What the bloody hell?

The man seemed to have a hard time adjusting his eyes, blinking them and looking all over the place. Finally, after a few seconds he seemed to come to his senses. His eyes then snapped to Ava's. All she could do was stare helplessly when their eyes met. He seemed to be studying her, just like she was studying him.

She Saved Me | Tom RiddleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя