Not Again!

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Laura slammed down the phone; why does she always let her talk her into things like this. She could never say no to her and it always got her into trouble.

Laura sighed and thought she might as well give up saying no; it didnt make a difference.

She had no idea what she had got herself into but it didnt matter whether she was happy about it or not she would have to go through with it otherwise she would never hear the end of it.

She groaned quietly to herself 'all because she thinks that she saved me aaaafrom Aiden but I didnt want to be saved from him !'

Laura looked around the small apartment which she was moving her belongings into. She could hear her dad coming through the door with more boxes. 'I thought you said that you travelled light!' he moaned.

'Aw dad it wil be worth it for you to get rid of me permanantly' she grinned. 'Two down one to go!' retorted her dad good naturedly

'Where is that sister of yours; I thought she was supposed to be helping us move you in' dad asked

"She has just......." began Laura

'dont complain ....I have brought the most important!!!!' a very chirpy voice shouted from the front door.

Standing by the door was Emma with a big grin holding two big pizzas and soft drink.

Laura and her dad couldn't help but smile at her standing in the doorway.

"took your time didn't you " Laura grumbled "you were supposed to be here a couple of hours ago". "sorry I got waylaid..... its all Matts fault.... he didn't come to pick me up in time"

"Hey don't blame me she was the one who had me waiting in the parking lot for the last hour" replied Matt appearing behind her

Emma grinned at her boyfriend and proceeded to enter the apartment stepping over the boxes on the floor "yuck Laura I told you to come and move in with me, this place is tiny. "

"its fine for me and to be honest I dont think I could cope with you and Matt on a daily basis. You are too enthusiastic for me ......" Laura smiled at her sister taking plates and glasses out of a box which she had in put in the small kitchette "not too worry its only a couple of minutes from your apartment and best of all really close to the school so I can walk to work".

After all of Laura's belonging had finally been brought into the apartment and her dad had left. Laura looked around the place and sighed. What had she let herself in for

"Don't worry you will enjoy living here and your big sister will be around to keep an eye on you" said Emma hugging her. "those two minutes have been the bane of my life... big sis" Laura retorted

"well one of us had to be the older more sensible one and that was ordained to be me so lump it!" Emma grinned at her twin sister.

The girls looked identical but were totally different in personality. Emma was gregarious to an extreme totally confident and ambitious. She has just got a job at a Advertising Company as a graphic designer and her career complimented her personality. Laura was happy go lucky relaxed enjoying whatever life threw her way, She was naive and trusting, Her dream was to teach and having graduated from college just got a job teaching at an elementary school. She was excited about moving to the big city and starting work.

"I really dont know why you are wasting your life on such a humdrum career when you could be doing something far more exciting and getting paid for it" Emma carried on as she always did, She loved her job and the social whirl that was associated with it and couldn't understand why her sister was insisting on willingly spending her adult life being linked to kids. She absolutely loved her sister and spent most of her time trying to protect her even when it was not needed nor welcomed. She knew Laura has a trusting nature and was open and friendly and not very streetwise and so had a tendency to be overprotective.

Laura groaned and looked at Matt who shrugged saying " You know that Emma is always right and I always agree with her whether I like it or not". Matt walked over to Emma kissing her

Matt and Emma had been together since they were 16. They had been childhood sweethearts both going to college together and moving in when they began to start working. Matt was a lawyer. He was easy going and good natured. Matt's parents lived on the same street as the twins and the three of them had grown up together and Laura considered Matt as a brother. Laura rolled her eyes and smirked "you are so henpecked!"

Matt and Emma left a short while later after giving her instructions on locking the door and being safe.

Laura locked the door and surveyed the boxes in the apartment. She looked around the place, it was small a lounge opening to a small kitchen area on one side with a small hall leading to the bedroom and bathroom. "It will do " she mused." I dont need much more than this and it is affordable"

Oh well lets see what tomorrow brings...

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