16: Test of Durability

Start from the beginning

“That’s the location in her head.”

“Is there a way to be more specific?” Janus asked. “That is a large…”

I smoothed over the map and closed my eyes, trying to focus. Gaia was still making it difficult for me to see the future but I pushed through this one. I didn’t have any idea how Andrzej could get the weapon that was supposed to be passed down through his people. Figuring out a way to pin Persephone and Chris down was the best possible choice.

The scene played out before me. There was a rocky outcropping covered in green. The water was a clear blue, blue as Cecil’s eyes in summer. I was standing a good distance away, looking at a cave opening set into the adjacent cliff face. It wasn’t the only one, several dotted along and most were only accessible by water. Just as the sunset before me, a small boat drifted out of the dark opening. Two people sat inside. One was a girl with corn silk blonde hair, made darker by the falling light.

And the other was a boy I’d recognize even from this distance.


He was rowing while she sat with her back to him, the morning quiet. Too quiet.

I opened my eyes and circled a place on the map. “Diros Bay, Mani, southern Greece. Vlyhada caves if you really want to get specific.”

The library was silent, no one saying a word and barely breathing. Hell, did Gods breathe? Did they need to? I made a mental note to ask Kells the next time I saw him and shoved the map forward.

“I’ll speak with Hades,” Logios finally said quietly. “I believe I know how they are escaping without Artemis being able to track them.”

“Speak, man,” Ares said. “How are they doing it?”

“I won’t say. Not until I’ve spoken with him.” Logios looked pointedly at me and all I could do was frown. What was I supposed to do about that? “Check in with Kells by the end of the night, Natalie.”

I got the feeling that I was dismissed. And you know what?

I was happy about that. All these Gods were giving me hives.

As soon as the door closed behind me, my whole body convulsed. My nerves had been on edge during that whole thing and I took a second to stand there, settling down. The adrenaline seeped out…

It hit me.

“I broke the God of War’s elbow,” I whispered.

And that’s when I started to freak out a bit. Andrzej took me by the arm and started towing me down the hall. He was a complete picture of calm and poise but me? The panic was starting to leak to the outside. Holy crap! How had I managed to injure the God of War and remain calm? I was not a showy type. Kicking his ass never would’ve crossed my mind a few weeks ago.

I was so screwed!

Andrzej dragged me into the serenity room and closed the door behind us. The kissing stones stood looming behind him and the white sand shifted a little in result of our entrance. Why he’d brought me here was revealed when he turned to face me, his hands on my shoulders, his eyes looking into mine.

“Let it out.”

Like a flip had been switched, my breath came quickly and I started muttering, “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I—I—I—oh my GOD!”

“Remember to breathe.”

“Oh my god, Andrzej. I BROKE his elbow. His elbow! And I dislocated his shoulder!”

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