-What.- chapter 1

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"So me and Dan here are going to ADOPT some children today. We both also agree we want some 12 or 13 year olds because, we want to. Also, we prefer girls but we'll see! Bye Guys!!!"

Soi Galaxy literally jumped 10 feet in the air after she seen this video. Dan and Phil were her favorite YouTubers. They are the cutest things like ever. She was a HUGE phan girl. When they came out she literally screamed. She was then raped by the owner Mr. Copeland.

Soi and her 2 sisters had lived their since they were 3 years old. Soi, Serenity, and Sophie were living miracles. They were triplets and they all had different personalities.

Soi was shy but also very passionate about her "hobbies". Serenity was antisocial and could never sleep from her disorder. Sophie was the cute, popular, but kind girl.

They were all very different, but they had one thing in common, they all had galaxy eyes. Their mother had left a picture of her with them when she died. Their mother had purple galaxy eyes, beautiful pastel rainbow hair and the most beautiful smile.

Soi heard a knock on the door. It was Mr. Copeland. He said " Okay Bitchy Galaxy Brats get ready in 2 minutes and then downstairs. We have a gay couple down stairs. *He mumbles homophobic slurs under his breath*"

Soi pushed Sophie off the bed. She told Serenity to hurry up in the shower.

Those Three Beauties (ADOPTED BY DAN AND PHIL)Where stories live. Discover now