A New Enemy

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--2 Months Earlier--

"C'mon Leah! I know you could do better than that!" My friend Scott told me. We were practicing using our weapons at the firing range.

I grumbled back at Scott," Then come up here and prove it!". Scott walked up to me, took the gun, and took aim.

"Watch and learn.." Scott said to me before he shot the first target. I was watching the targets until a secretary ran towards me with a message at hand.

" Leah and Scott! We need you in the Intel room, Stat!".

I stated back," What? The coffee machine is broken again? That's what happened last time."

The Secretary stated back," No, this is serious! We need you both right now to go to Intel room! It's an emergency!"

Scott looked at me and said,"We could do this later, we better get to the Intel room before little impatient over there blows his top." I agreed with Scott and we walked to the Intel room. As soon as Scott and I got into the Intel room, we could see that everyone was in a panic.

A person ran to me and said," Captain! We found traces of a new enemy clan rising against us! What are we going to do about it?". After hearing the news, Scott looked at me with a scared look on his face.

" I don't know. I just learned about it a few seconds ago. We need to make a meeting with all the advisors as soon as possible so we can make a game plan to stop this."

Just when we were in peace, a new enemy had to rise.

The Clan Rises: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now