The Rare Wolf Reviled

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*AN* -I decided that Amanda is a runaway royal, she was next in line to the throne and was going to be forced to marry another royal which is why she ran away! She has a crown birthmark ,every royal is born with this, the birthmark is on her collarbones.-
Tess~ is a female, she haves blond hair, her skin is peach/white color, her eyes are the color of a ocean blue
~Rare wolf (Tess) pov ~ I then started to laugh so hard, that my side started to hurt. I then heard Amanda started to laugh with me. We both stopped when we realized where we were in the middle of the gym and everyone was staring at us mostly at me, since I never laugh, actually I never showed any emotions to anyone in this pack. I then cleared my throat and looked at Amanda in the eye trying my best not to show any emotions. But when I tried to stay serious I couldn't help, but want to smile. Every time I looked at her in the eye my heart would skip a beat. I then decided it was time to start looking for wolves and told Amanda, "Excuse me." I then headed towards the front of the gym and then looked backed everyone and yelled, "Listen up, were going to war with the werecats and I need every strong wolf to fight with me!(At the mention of the werecats everyone growled in anger) I continued, "Alpha Jack had provide me with a list of wolves that will come to war with me, I will put the list on the wall and I expect everyone on that list to be ready by dawn! Do I make myself clear!" I looked around waiting for a answer but no one said anything so I yelled, "I said DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" After I yelled that they yelled back,"YES Ma' ma!" "Good, now quickly check the list if you don't see your name get back to your normal schedule, if you do see your name get ready and by dawn meet me at the entrance of our Pack house!" I then stated walking towards the exit of the room when Amanda's voice stopped me, "Hey Tess, my names not on the list so I'm wishing you luck! I don't get why you're going to war with the werecats, but just come back alive so we can talk some more , k!!" I smiled at her and said,"Yeah, I'll call for you when I get back!" I started to walk off to my room to prepare for the fight.
~4 hours later~
I started heading towards the front of the Pack's house when I saw Alpha Jack walking out of his office. Once he noticed me he then said, "Ah, Tess I wanted tell you that I hope you don't disappoint me, and if you do disappoint me well you already know what would happen if you do. Also I want you to take Amanda, I already sent her to the front of the house." "Alpha Jack, why are you sending Amanda to Battle if she's burley a newbie, you haven't even seen her fight our........"
I was caught off with Alpha growling at me then saying,"I'm sending her to battle to see if she really is loyal to us and to see how strong she is. If she dies oh well, but if she comes back with any scratch or even if she doesn't have a scratch that will show how strong she is!"
I looked at him for awhile, then decided to go along with his plan. I bowed down and said, "As you wish Alpha." Alpha Jack continued, "Also I changed my mind I want you to capture Albert and that werecat. I'll be the one who kills them with my own hands, and tell the others that if they kill them that they would be punished by me." I nodded and said, "Yes Alpha" , and started walking towards the front of the building.

~10 minute's later~

I walked outside the house and saw mostly everyone putting their bags in the vans, cars and motorcycles that we were taking. After putting my bag in my motorcycle, I looked up and notice Amanda looking around with a confused expression. I then yelled, "Amanda over here!" She looked at me and smiled, she then started running towards me. As soon as she was in front of me I said,"Hey, you could ride with me if you don't want to go with anyone. You'll just have to hold on to me." I was starting to blush at the thought of her holding onto me, hoping she didn't notice me blushing. She then looked at me and said," Yeah sure I don't really know anyone but you, and I also don't have my own vihical." She then smiled at me (which made my heart skipped a beat) I then looked away too see if everyone else was ready. When I noticed that everyone was ready. I then used my commanding voice and yelled, "Alright, everyone we will be fighting one of our enemy, the werecats. Our mission is to capture Albert and to also capture this werecat(I pulled out a picture of the girl and showed it to them). I'll repeat myself you are not allowed to kill her or Albert, if you do the Alpha will punish you!" Everyone looked at me in fear, but tried to cover it up with a emotionless look, then Sam (one of the worriers) said, "Why are we capturing that werecat and Albert?" I'm looked at him and realized that that wolf was one of Albert friends, I then said, "Albert betrayed us and ingnored the Alphas' wishes, he had a relationship with that werecat!" I looked back at Sam and he had a surprised look. I then turned around and climbed on my bikes then turn my head and everyone scattered to get into their own vighicl. I then looked at Amanda she then climbed on my bike. After I checked that Amanda was settled, I started my engine and started to ride...................

~AN~ Thanks guys for reading my book I'll try to update as soon as I can. Please comment and press the like button!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😏😏😏😝😝😝😝😋😋😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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