Chapter 1 : In trouble again

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Chapter 1

Riker POV

One more cut, and I should be good...

I slid the blade across my wrist for the last time today.


Alright, maybe I pressed down a little too hard on that one. There's a lot of blood!

I quickly turned on the bathroom sink, and rinsed off my wrists. I'd made 5 on each. I bandaged my wrists up, and then pulled my sleeves down. Nobody can ever find out about this.

I went back to my bedroom, and sat on my bed, thinking...

I didn't used to be like this. I used to be happy all the time. I loved being around my family. I loved to go out every night and do fun things. Now it's completely the opposite. I'm hating on myself all the time, wishing I was something I wasn't. I didn't like to be around my family. It only reminded me of how I'm not good enough. I stayed in my room, and did nothing.

I'm 18, so I don't have to go to school anymore. I graduated last year. I like being home all the time because it's easy to be alone. But one thing I hated was that Ross was homeschooled. He had to be, since he was on Austin and Ally.

Ross... I realized now, that I actually despise my brother a lot. He's what started this whole thing.


Riker POV

I'd finally gotten a date with this girl I really liked, Macy. She was really pretty, and she had a great personality. My date was tonight, and I was so excited. Nobody could get the smile off my face.

I got ready, wearing black skinny jeans, a somewhat dressy top, and a tie to match. I was wearing purple, which was Macy's favorite color. I was doing anything I could to impress her.

I drove to the restaurant we were meeting at. We got a table in the back, and ordered our food. I was so incredibly nervous!

"S-so um... Macy..."


"Um... You look really pretty tonight."

"Thanks. You look great too."

Oh my god, she thinks I look great!

I must be smiling like an idiot...

"So Riker, I was wondering if you could tell me a little about your brother."

"My brother?"


"Oh, yeah him! Uh... He's on a TV show."

"Austin and Ally."

"Yeah. Well he loves it. He loves acting, and he loves his costar. They all get along really well."

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