Chapter 44: Epilogue

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Christmas Day 2027

(18 months later)



"Ding dong merrily on high.... the angel bells are ringing... ding dong verily the sky... is riv'n with angels singing...."

For maybe the first time in his life, Scorpius wished the damn music would stop. The song, playing over some kind of magical loudspeaker, seemed to be taunting him, swinging up and down the scale over and over and rattling his already frayed nerves. It was probably supposed to be cheery, but all it did was remind him where they were on Christmas.

Rose was sleeping now. He was glad. They'd been in the small, plain hospital room for hours, and she was exhausted, her arms lying limply by her sides, palms half-turned toward the ceiling, a lock of hair half-covering her face. He was tired too, but it expressed itself as pain rather than fatigue; a sharp ache in his temples and a slow burn in the centre of his chest where he still bore the jagged round curse scar. It bothered him now only when he was very tired or very stressed. He hadn't noticed it creeping up on him until Rose's eyes had closed, and he'd had a moment to self-evaluate.


He reached out and pushed the curl of auburn hair out of Rose's face, where it was sticking slightly. Her forehead and upper lip were damp with sweat. He thought about wiping it away, but he didn't dare wake her now. She looked so very pale. Freckles that were usually nearly invisible were showing up starkly over her nose and cheeks.

"It's going to be okay," he told her, very low. "You'll be okay. I promise."

Her nose twitched, and her brow furrowed in her sleep, shifting on the bed. He pulled his hand back quickly, cursing himself, but too late; her eyes snapped open and she gasped, whimpering.

"It's just me," he told her, reaching for her hand. "You're okay..."

"It hurts," she gasped hoarsely, her breathing hot and ragged against his arm.

"I know," he said, utterly helpless. "Just breathe..."

"No, it's too much!" she cried, making him flinch. "It's - oh - help, someone help me -!"

Scorpius staggered over to the door and yanked it open. "Help!" he yelled into the corridor. "Someone -!"

A Mediwitch in a green robe hurried over to him, but before she could get past him into the room the air was pierced by an earsplitting scream. Scorpius tried to go back, but another Mediwitch came past him and blocked the door. "Stay here," she told him firmly.

"What?" Scorpius stared over the woman's shoulder into the room, where two, now three Healers and Mediwitches were surrounding Rose as she screamed again, sending white-hot daggers right into his heart. "No," he protested. "She needs me." He tried to push his way back inside, but the Mediwitch put up a surprisingly strong hand to stop him. She was a large, round woman and there was no way around her without getting physical.

"Sir! I must insist." The woman cross her arms and glared at him. He stared at her helplessly. Then someone took him by the shoulders from behind and started dragging him away from the door. Rose screamed again and his knees nearly gave out as he tried to get loose. "Let me go!" he cried. His vision was blurry, swimming. His head was spinning and he didn't know if he was going to break down or pass out.

"Come away lad." A familiar voice from over his shoudler, soft but shaky. "Come away. Let the Healers work."

"No!" He needed to be there. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving her behind like that.

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