"It's okay to get a boner. It's natural like you should know that, your the sex-"

"I DID NOT" he softly yelled.

Everyone looked at him with scared eyes.

"Sorry guys please continue" he said laughing and fixing his tie.

"Okay I did and okay maybe I'm attractive to you but I'm not going to loose my job," he whisper this time

"I'm 19 buddy. You can legally fuck me," I whispered.

"What?you want to go out with me even when you met me for 3 days? That's not how it goes baby girl."

"oh so I'm baby girl?

"(your name) we met for 3 days and if I cant ask you out yet......what are you going to do until the time is right?"

"I'm going to tease the fuck out of you" I said in my sexy voice.

He looked dead at me and smiled big.


We both looked up to see Reagan all mad and her hand raised.

"I had my hand raised for 3minutes."

"Okay....what do you need?"

"I need you to check my work."

"I'll do it at end of class like I do to everyone else. Please don't interrupt me when I'm talking to a student and will you cover your breast. It's not cute" Grayson said.

Everyone laughed and "ohhhhhh" at her, she turned bright red and put her hand down.

"Where were we?"

" We were fucking"

"no well not yet."

"Oh you got a playful side."

"Tell me, are you like this with every teacher or guy?"

"I'm not a hoe if your asking that."

" NO! I mean you act like this when you like someone?"

"BOII please. If I did I wouldn't be a virgin or still be a lip virgin."

"WHAT?" he yelled with surprised.

No one heard bc he did that as soon as the bell ringed.

"Time for lunch."

"I never met anyone like you. haha I like it."

"give me your phone numba"

"I'll give you my address if you do that thing you did to me"

"The "Opps" thing? well too mad." I smirked and walked towards the door.

I felt his hand on my arm and pulled me back. I can feel his heartbeat go steady.

"Just because your going to tease me don't mean your comfortable being around me. I know your heat beat fast when your with me. I CaN tell when your nervous." he said kissing my neck.

I let out a small moan. He heard it and laughed.

"I'm a teaser too....virgin." he said liking his lips.

I gave him a playful mad look and went to 2 period lunch. (theres 2 lunches and 2 breakfast. I'm going to the 1 lunch period)

They have lasagna today GDSHBASBDSA MY FAV! I took my tray to the table. Ali wasn't there. 5Min pass and still nothing. I finished my apple and started on my lasagna.

"Why you eating alone baby?"

I look up to see Grayson looking at me.

"You better quite boii"

"You don't like it when I call you baby girl? mamasita?"

"We at school fam"

"Then give me yo numba" he said smiling.

I smiled at him.

"Gray....your weird, I'm weird....we only met for 3 days... your my fucking teacher..... I wont give out my heart that easy"

"No I think you did," he said winking. He grabbed my apple and took a bite.

"Hello Mr. Dolan" Ali said sitting down.

"Next time you walk out of class your doing one week of detention got it?"

"Got it"

"ladies" he said and walked away.

"Did he just took a bite from your apple?"

"No he told me to hold it." I lied.


"Never mind that! Nigga why ju late?"

"Jack wanted to kiss for a bit."


"Oh hush. When you kiss your boyfriend it wont ewwww anymore would it?"

I smiled and whisper no to myself thinking about Gray.

We stayed a littler bit longer then it was our next class.

Sex-Ed class with Mr.DolanWhere stories live. Discover now