Chapter 33: Oppurtuinities

Start from the beginning

I swallowed hard. My cheeks burned partly because of the alcohol and partly because of the sudden shift in Anthony's eyes. The gold flecks in his eyes darkened letting the blackness of his pupil take over, engulfing his eyes like a black hole.

I dropped my head and looked up at him through my lashes. "And what would that be?" I asked him, my voice low.

Anthony stepped forward closing the gap between us. His hand gently slipping into mine and leading it up to loop around his neck while his other hand grabbed my waist and dragged me forward until I was flush up against his chest.

I smiled and pressed my lips to his. His arms wrapped around me and deepened the kiss. The strong taste of the sweet wine on his lips was like drinking it straight from the bottle. It was all too easy get drunk off nothing but the taste of wine on his lips.

His tongue slid along my bottom lip before sucking at it, hungrily drinking the droplets of wine that still clung to my lips.

I pulled back desperate for air, my hands pushed at his chest as I tried to get some distance between us.

"Sky," Anthony cupped my face in his hands and gentle raised my eyes to met his. "What''s wrong?"

His eyes showed everything. Small golden suns boring into me with intensity. They spoke the thousand words his lips could not. So concerned, so intense. It was in that moment that I felt it. I knew that the feeling that had been growing inside me, spreading like warm fire in my chest and clutching me tightly, shaking me and refusing to let me go. I saw the same feeling reflected in his eyes. He cared for me. He felt it too.

A shudder of fear ran down my spine at the sudden thought: if I could read that same feeling in this eyes, in just one look, can he see it in mine?

"I - I just need some air." I didn't wait for him to respond before I stepped away from his embrace and pulled his hands gently from my face, dropping them at his sides and turning my back to him. Climbing the stairs as quickly as I could I rushed out of the Cellar and out into the fresh warm air of the beach.

I looked up to the clouds and blinked away the tears that stung my eyes. Why was this suddenly so overwhelming?

I heard Anthony rush out behind me, my body was well aware of where of his presence and the distance between us.

"What's wrong?" He pressed. His tone was no longer as gentle and concerned as it was only moments ago when he had asked me that very same question. Now it was lined with a frustrated and annoyed edge. I couldn't blame him for that. I did just leave him in the dark cellar in the middle of a make out session.

I sighed deeply, frustrated with myself. "Nothing. Something. Everything!"

I could almost hear him roll his eyes and frown at me. "That make no sense!"

"It makes perfect sense." To me.

"Are you drunk?"

I scoffed. "No." A little light headed or tipsy maybe, but no drunk - oh look a bee!

I flinched back at my inner-self's warning of a bee. Okay, maybe just a little drunk.


I sighed deeply. "Nothing is wrong because strangely, I'm having fun. Something is wrong because this doesn't feel right, I don't feel right. And Everything is wrong because nothing is right with this situation!" I tried to explain thinking that talking to him would be the best way to explain how I was feeling not only to him but to myself.

"Define right." Anthony's voice was low, cautious and calculating.

I turned to him. "A direction that is far away from whatever this is!" I screamed motioning between us.

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