#1 - "KISS! KISS! KISS!"

Start from the beginning

They played for almost another 15 minutes, always managing not to point to me, thank God. The girls had rolled all over the floor, kissed each other and Ash and CC, and one girl almost vomited twice. It was interesting to watch drunk people fall over each other, but I was having enough. After Ashley took this turn, I was going to bed.

Ashley laughed out loud as he spun the bottle hard, it spun for almost 20 seconds before it stopped, pointed at me. Fuck. "I'll spin again dude, don't worry."

Almost instantly, all three girls yelled, "No! That's not how you play! No re-spins! You have to kiss!" The jumble of giggly, irritated squeals was almost unbearable.

*Ashley POV*

You've got to be shitting me. I've managed to take 3 turns on this bottle and get a girl every time, but now they're gonna make me kiss Andy. I shouldn't have picked up these girls, they're so fucking annoying.

"Just fucking do it you pussy!" CC was laughing his ass off next to me, I was gonna get him back for this. "Imagine girls if you have to!"

I looked across from me to see Andy with his palm to his forehead, muttering something. I couldn't imagine myself kissing him. It's too weird, I'm not into guys, and neither is Andy, he's dating Juliet. I had to think of a girl to picture.... Megan Fox?.... no.... Mila Kunis?..... it'll have to work....

"Andy, just, think of Juliet or something...." I could barely hear myself over the girls still yelling "KISS! KISS! KISS!"

We looked at each other and took a deep breath at the same time. We shifted onto our knees and moved closer to each other on the floor. "I'm gonna be the guy in this kiss, I sat here the whole time, I earned it!" Dammit Andy....

He put his hands on my face, I looked at him to see that his eyes were closed, so I closed mine too, picturing Mila Kunis. I put my hands on his waist. Somehow, it didn't feel wrong, he wasn't super buff, he had a nice slender form, so it didn't feel like I was touching a man, it felt right. I heard him sigh deeply, a big of a frustrated groan coming out in his low tone. At that moment, it relaxed me, it made me want to get closer to him, so I did.

*Andy POV*

This isn't right. Why am I so comfortable right now? I know I had to do this because of that silly game, but holding Ashley felt.... right. I sighed, letting out a bit of a grumble, it was all kind of ridiculous what he got me into. Ashley relaxed his arms on my waist and pulled himself closer to me. Woah. I couldn't tell what I felt more, surprise or excitement. The only things running through my mind at that moment were his hands on my waist, occasionally pressing tighter into my skin, and my hands on his smooth face, shaven that morning but still soft. I felt my stomach clenching, not with unease or fright, but with excitement and anticipation. I pushed my hands further back on his head, tangling my fingertips in his hair. I pulled with enough force to make him gasp and crushed my lips into his.

Ashley's hands on my waist suddenly tightened and pulled me closer, forcing me to shuffle on my knees, and allowing our torsos to press together. The feeling of him being so close to me caused me to take a sharp breath from my mouth, and almost as soon as my lips parted, I felt Ashley's soft tongue glide over my lower lip. As if by instinct, my tongue slid out to meet his. The feeling was electric. My body shook and I pulled his face closer to mine, pressing my tongue past the barrier of his lips and tasting his breath.

As our tongues danced in the middle-ground of our mouths, we heard a loud cough. We pulled apart in an instant to see CC watching with his mouth gaping and Jake standing in the doorway staring at us. I got up from the floor. "Well, I'm going to bed. Have fun guys."

I walked as quickly as I could without seeming off. I layed down in my bunk and tried to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I felt a rush over my skin as I remembered being with Ashley.

*Ashley POV*

The way Andy kissed me.... God, it made me want more. I never thought it could be like that. I pulled him closer to me, making him gasp out loud. That sound made a fire erupt in me. My tongue ventured out to feel his soft lips, brushing over it, feeling his smooth lip ring. His tongue came out to meet mine, it tasted sweet, and I wanted to taste more. I felt Andy's body shiver against mine, further awakening my senses. His strong hands pulled my face closer as he forced his tongue into my mouth. Not once did the fact that he was a man cross my mind. My focus was on our mouths together, and the blood leaving my head, going south for the winter.

When he pulled away from me, I was still a bit dizzy.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Have fun guys." Andy left the room, almost running. I shook my head, trying to sharpen my hearing. I looked over to see Jake and CC staring at me. Shit. I couldn't just get up. To be very blunt about it, I had a boner, and if I got up now, it would be even harder to explain that intimate occasion.

"Okay, who's next?" I grabbed the bottle and held it up for somebody to take.

The girls looked at me, the one that had tried to kiss me with the fish tongue looked down, "I think we're just gonna leave..." and before I could say anything, they were helping each other up off of the floor and stumbling out of the door.

CC just got up and went to his bunk - no questions, not a word. Jake looked at me and held out his hand to help me up. Despite my, erm, issue, I stood up and looked at him.

"How was the game?" he seemed to know how it went, I could see where his eyes were directed.

"It was fine." The way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable, he knew that I liked kissing Andy, and he wanted me to admit it. "I'm gonna go to bed now, so....." I just walked away to my bunk without finishing my sentence.

A.N: I just read this back to myself... damn! I'll be posting as much as I can and I have no idea who I am talking to since I have no followers. Wow I'm lonely... Anyway, until next time!

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