"We'll be battle training with Lilypaw," Riverstripe meowed.

Doepaw cursed under her breath. While she had grown close to the older apprentice, her muscles still ached from all the walking she had done. She voiced that complaint, muttering about the pains in her paws with vivid vocabulary. Riverstripe seemed amused.

She followed after the tom, anyways; she may have been complaining, but she was compliant. The two padded through the grasses, following nearly indiscernible pathways, treaded for seasons but still only known to CloudClan alone.

The training area wasn't too far from camp, just a short walk towards a clearing in the grasses underneath a small aspen. The space was large enough to accompany a large crowd, and could compensate for the rolling and twisting that came with battle training. Lilypaw and her mentor, Bearstep, weren't there yet for obvious reasons.

"What'll we be learning today?" Doepaw asked. A lazy, white butterfly fluttered overhead, and she couldn't help but reach up to bat at it with sheathed claws.

"How to defend yourself from foxes," Riverstripe meowed back, getting comfortable beside the tree.

Doepaw's interest spiked at that, and the butterfly flew off, forgotten. It was well known that many tribes and colonies of foxes had taken up the space directly north of the three clans of cats. Their clan's closest neighbor, the Colony of Neaniti, was one of the smaller, more peaceful groups. They had gotten lucky.

Still, conflict erupted from time to time, and it was useful to learn strategies one could use against the larger, more powerful creatures. Doepaw was surprised that Riverstripe had thought she was ready this early into her training.

"Lilypaw already knows the basic techniques, but it will be good for her to brush up on them. When we leave, she'll be learning some of the more advanced techniques," Riverstripe meowed.

Doepaw nodded, licking her chest fur nervously. Though she wouldn't say anything just yet, she was a bit nervous about facing Lilypaw. It would be hard to beat the more experienced apprentice. She was glad that their claws would be sheathed.

"Sorry for being so late," Bearstep called as he padded into the clearing, Lilypaw trailing behind him. She seemed to be having trouble keeping up with the larger cat, and had to lengthen her strides just to remain in his vicinity.

Lilypaw flicked her ear in greeting, sitting down next to Doepaw much like their mentors did. Both pairs conversed quietly, one a bit more excited than the other.

"Isn't this great? I love the idea that we could potentially bring down something so much bigger than us. It's a bit inspiring, you know?" Lilypaw rambled.

Doepaw gave a meek nod, not willing to share her insecurities about the fight to her partner, who was becoming louder by the second.

Riverstripe gave a nod to Bearstep, who kneaded the earth with his claws impatiently, and the silver tabby approached the apprentices.

"When fighting foxes, you need to use their size against them," he began.

Doepaw didn't understand that. How would you use something's size, of all things, against them? If you pitted Bearstep against Lilypaw, the older tom would obviously win unless his apprentice fought dirty.

"Foxes can't move as fast as we can. If you can take advantage of that, there is a chance of beating them. I personally wouldn't advise you to go up against a fox on your own. You should find a partner to battle with.

"Just like cats, foxes have vulnerable underbellies. Eyes and ears are a good target as well. Tails, too, if you don't mind getting a mouthful of fur." Riverstripe swiped his tongue over his muzzle as if reminded of the sensation.

"But that's not the point. If you can find a weakness, you and your partner-" Lilypaw and Doepaw shared a glance. "Must be in perfect synchronization whilst fighting. Since we don't exactly have any foxes with us, Bearstep will be our target."

The huge, grey tom stretched luxuriously, his eyes amused at being named a fox for the day. Doepaw felt her mouth go dry.

She had thought that she would be fighting Lilypaw, not this brute of a cat! StarClan forbid if she ever had to go up against a cat of his stature in a real battle...

Riverstripe padded over to the aspen, leaping up onto the lowest bow, where he would be safe. Doepaw wished she would be able to join him.

Bearstep crouched low in front of the two she-cats, his tail lashing in anticipation.



Author's Note:

Guess who needs to work on battle scenes. Anyhow, I'm a bit disappointed by the length of chapters. I want to make them longer, but I'm not sure. Are they alright? I don't know. Anyways, thanks for reading!


Warrior Cats: Cascadeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें