doctor who star wars crossover

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In a galaxy far far away, a  battle was raging on.........

The doctor ran behind a low wall, shielding himself from the the flying debree and body parts. His pulse rifle swinging wildly on it's straps hitting him in the head, knocking him him the floor. He got up and spat out out a pasty mix of dust and saliva but that was a bad idea. A large blue laser beam cut through the dust cloud and just missed his head and smashed a building wall behind. The building crumbled to the ground, burying a body and crushing a dalek case squishing the mutant inside with a wet pop. The doctor swung the pulse rifle round into his hands shoots a single shot into the dark mass of dust flung up by the building, sweat breaking out across his forehead. He kept on shifting his position and pointing his pulse rifle any where he looked. A metallic voice shouted out a menacing word "exterminate!" And another bright blue beam cut through the air and sliced at his shirt, suddenly many more voices shouted out the same words over and over again, sending the doctor walking slowly back. The dust cleared and the doctor gasped, a whole army of daleks were in front if him and every single one shot a blue laser as they all screeched those words, but a smaller voice, soft and feminine called out his name and slowly it got louder and sirens were going off behind it and darkness closed in on him........

The doctor suddenly snapped awake and sirens were going off. Clara was next to him calling his name "doctor! doctor! Oh come on, get up!" He shot straight up from the Tardis console and called over the sirens "I'm ok, everything is going to be fine, I think!" The Tardis console computer swing round and the doctor grabbed the small screen. The screen was in static but not after the doctor soniced the small computer screen and read the readings. The police box was surrounded by space ships many of them and the ships were all shooting at it. The doctor fired up the engine and rematerialised on one off the ships. The racket stopped and all was still. The doctor reached a hand for the doors but the doors we're kicked in and soldiers burst into the console room. The soldiers looked around in amazement at the sheer size of the interior. "I know it's bigger on the inside smaller on the outside. I get that alot." The soldiers stared at the doctor like he was a mad man with a box. The soldiers wore bright orange overalls with white shoes and gloves with a white helmet that had an orange visor and a sign that looked like a red cog. One of the soldiers took his helmet off and asked them their names. "I'm the doctor  that's Clara." The soldier who took his helmet off had bowl cut blonde hair and blue eyes." The names Luke, Luke Skywalker." The man said.

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