Day 25

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Day 25: Write a poem that includes all of the following words: pistachio, ink, pebble, weather, varnish.

Idk this was a bit odd, but I whipped something up.

What do you smell?

The faint scent,

Of yellow wrinkled parchment fills the air,

Crisp and flaking at the edges,

Until a quill is set down,

and ink wets the page,

In smoothly rippling lines,

Like a pebble,

Plunged into a lake,

In murky turquoise depths.

What do you see?

Shafts of pistachio coloured glints,

Vibrant in the caliginous shifting soot,

And atop the choppy surface,

The sun paints,

Stark strokes of dazzling varnish,

To sit on silent dancing waves.

What do you hear?

The distant roar of thunder,

The weather growls menacingly,

And clouds race ever closer,


Like the ink,

Dripped in clear water,

Bulging deep black shapes,

Draw near.

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