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When Natsumi got home, she closed and locked the door behind her. Finally feeling safe, she collapsed on the couch. She was exhausted, but she didn't want to go to sleep until either her father came home or the police arrived. She fought with herself to stay awake, letting her mind wander. It goes to the Death Note in her bag. She sits up and fishes it out. "Death Note." she mumbles to herself, "What does that even mean?" Natsumi opens the book. Nothing. It's just a notebook with a bunch of blank pages. She sighs, and tosses it back in her bag. Suddenly, she is aware of a shadow lingering over the couch. She jumped off the couch to the other side of the room, looked up, and screamed.

 Natsumi looked at the gruesome figure before her. It was covered in eyes from head to toe, if you could even say it had toes. It would have just looked like a floating rock, if not for the thousands of eyes. Natsumi wasn't sure, but she thought it slightly tilted, what she assumed to be it's head, when she screamed. "Please stop that insufferable screaming," It demanded in a feminine sounding voice, that was both harsh and soothing. Something about it stopped Natsumi's scream. All of the eyes on the body rolled. "Thank you," it stated, somewhat sarcastically. "I can't stand loud noises." Natsumi almost laughed despite herself, wondering why something covered almost completely in eyes and no ears couldn't stand noise. Wouldn't light make more sense? Her nervousness was taking over.

"What are you?" Natsumi said, trying to regain her composure, but still staying at a safe distance. The thing seemed to move in an uninterested manner, but Natsumi couldn't be sure. "I am Nu," it finally said, "a Shinigami." Natsumi's eyes widened. "Shini-gami?" She whispered. A God of death. She looked at it bewildered. "Yes, I am Nu. I am the Shinigami attached to that Death Note you have in your possession." Natsumi couldn't believe what she was hearing. This Death Note was something after all? But why was it here? How did it get in that park? And how exactly did it work? "Your Death Note?" Natsumi repeated." All of Nu's eyes studied her. They blinked slowly. Inwardly, she was smiling, but Natsumi only wished she could tell what Nu was  thinking, since she didn't have a mouth. Nu's demeanor did seem to change however. "Yes, I dropped that notebook, thanks to another Shinigami, Ryuk, who is always causing trouble. I use kill humans." She said dramatically. Natsumi gasped. Did this mean that Nu was here to kill her? A sound that could be taken as a laugh escaped from Nu's body. "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. In fact, hold on to the notebook for a little while. Humans can use it too. You may need it in the future." 

Natsumi was about to respond when the doorbell rang. She walked to the door. "Who's there?" She asked scared and suspicious. "It's the police. You called about an attack earlier tonight." Natsumi sighed with relief before looking at the Shingami, wondering what she would say. "Open it." Nu said. Natsumi opened that door. "Don't freak out," she said as it opened wide and she let them in. The two officers entered the home. They looked questionably at her. "Don't worry, you're story is nothing we haven't, sadly, heard before." The older officer seemed like he had been doing this for years, but was still in the prime of his career. He looked Japanese, and had a mustache and beard that had grown in. The younger officer looked as if he had just stepped fresh out of the academy, but had learned some of the ropes already. He was tall,but not as tall as the older man, with an afro. "But doesn't that thing creep you out a little?" Natsumi asked, pointing in Nu's direction. The two officers exchanged glances before looking at Natsumi as if she had an extra head. "They can't see me." Nu stated matter of factly. Natsumi gasped.

So, as I was writing the first chapter, I realized that this could very well seem to be a Misa Misa retelling, which is an idea I played with before starting to write this, but as you see, this isn't the case. The comparison was by complete accident, but I needed something to happen with out protagonist that could directly affect her, otherwise, nothing would come of this, and you'll see why.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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