Her statement seemed to peek Tameron's interest as he cocked his head to the side, taking in her sudden change in tone. All smiles and sparkles in his eyes drained from his face, "You're right." He made eye contact with Xavier as he finally came down and stood in front of them, "You done perusing their selection?"

"It's very impressive." he noted, sending a smile towards Allaria.

"I'll let my mother know you approve." Allaria agreed with a gentle grin, being careful not to come off as rude.

"Let's go to the war room, the council is waiting," Tameron interjected, pulling Xavier into step beside him.

Allaria nodded, thankful that she might finally be able to get justice and they quickly made their way. Xavier and Tameron explained to Allaria that everybody was already gathered and waiting and they volunteered to go get her so that they could meet her. The panic started to set in.

She was touched by the notion but it seemed to light a fire under her to get there as soon as possible which made her heart pound. It was a rarity for Allaria to get to go to the war room; it was yet one more door that she was rarely allowed to enter. The excitement of being able to finally tell everybody what she had been up to all these years sent butterflies flying through her stomach.

As they approached the door, Allaria's hand hovered over the knob, taking one last moment to absorb the excitement before she turned it and opened the door. It hit her like a tidal wave, all the eyes staring at her as she stepped into the room. Even though they were all familiar it still felt odd and uncomfortable.

It was as if a heat wave had washed into the room and Allaria's palms began to sweat. Around the large 3-D model of the city and surrounding areas of Orlanio stood her father, brothers, the Duke, several of her father's most trusted advisors and Gauwyn. Nathaniel, her twin brother, gave her a warm smile as she entered which was a welcome contrast to the harsh eyes and varying emotions she got from everyone else.

The Duke, in particular, seemed like his head was going to blow off, it was so red. He turned to her father, his teeth gritting and grinding against each other, "What is she doing here?" he sneered. "She is supposed to be resting and preparing for prince Caden's arrival."

His father looked at her with an apologetic smile, "Allaria is the one who undercovered this whole conspiracy."

"Oh really." he snapped sarcastically, his brow furrowing. "Why am I not surprised?" he asked, his eyes falling to his nails which he began to pick at, "You just seem to be drawn to trouble Allaria; like a moth to a flame."

Allaria cocked her hip to the side, "I suppose I did finally get burned didn't I Uncle?" she snapped, not referring to her burnt wrist.

A gentle rumble filled the room as eyes widened and jaws dropped. Allaria could feel the tension growing like a string being pulled tight within the very last inch of its life before snapping. The feeling was starting to grow to her vocal cords, paralyzing them. As she saw Gauwyn's eyes shift from beady and narrow to large saucers locked onto her, she wondered if perhaps she had gone too far. For a moment she wished he would just go back to stewing in the corner.

The Duke's eyes engrossed, "It's this kind of behavior that gets you sent away." he rolled his eyes, "Did you forget who I am?" he boomed, leaning over the war table to glare at her. "Afford me some respect!" he slammed his fist against the table, scattering the loose armies and posts that were carefully placed on it.

"Brother please!" Samuel bellowed, looking him straight in the eye, his eyes on fire. "She's leaving within the week; you've won... consider the more gracious path."

Almost as if a wave of calm washed over him, the Duke stood back up and gently crossed his arms over his chest and nodded at Allaria, "Fine go ahead." A smug grin smudging his lips.

The Phoenix: Born Of AshWhere stories live. Discover now