Chapter 1

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Third Person POV:

A man sat tied to a chair in a dark cell of a dungeon. Straw meant for animals covered the ground of the cold stone cell. The man silently wept, fearful of the fate he may soon suffer. He should of known that it would end this way. Of course his mission would end this way. He should of just run. But now it was to late. He could only hope the Alpha would be merciful.

His head lifted slightly at the creaking sound of the metal door to the dungeon opening. Two people walked past cells towards his. The first was the Alpha. A strong, fierce man with dark brown hair and a scar across his eye. A cruel smirk on his face, his eye gleaming. His faded, sightless eye sent shivers down his spine.

Beside the man was only a girl, about nineteen, twenty at the most. She wore black leather pants and a black leather jacket. A dark grey shirt could faintly be seen under the leather jacket. Unlike the Alpha, her face was void of any and all emotions. She was terrifying. A belt was around her waist. Twin daggers curved like huge talons sat at her hips, to one side of her in front of the dagger on the left, a large silvery sword. She had long hair, hair once a brilliant hazel color, was now a glittering silver. Her eyes were pitch black, and only made her more frightening. One of her hands was curled around the hilt of the dagger on her right.

The two slowly drew nearer to the cell. The man whimpered in fright. Could the rumors be true? Did the Black Talon pack truly have an emotionless assassin? As assassin who suffered from lost emotions?

The Alpha pulled out a metal ring of keys. He slid one of the keys into the lock and it unlocked with a snap. The cell door swung open with a creaking that filled the entire dungeon. Droplets of sweat ran down the man's face as he watch the Alpha slow walk in the cell, closely followed by the silver haired girl.

"We found you on our land. Why?" The Alpha's voice was commanding and fierce. He was a man of power and brute strength.

"I-I was s-sent h-here, as a s-spy." The man's voice shook with fear. Death hovered over him like a storm cloud.

"And, who is it, that sent you?"

"I-I sh-shouldn't--"

"Answer the damn question!" The Alpha's voice echoes through the cold stone halls. He wasn't exactly patient.

"D-Demoniac c-creatures. V-vampires. One's w-who kill f-for power a-and p-pleasure." The Alpha's eyes narrowed at this. Vampires. Vampires who sent a spy. This wouldn't end well, he'd have to alert his pack to be watchful.

"T-they threatened t-to kill m-my family. P-please, s-surely you could r-relate." The man's pleas were desperate as his fear grew with each passing moment.

"Unfortunately for you, I cannot relate." The Alpha laughed cruelly, glaring at the man with an evil smirk.

"You should of died in honor rather than serve those demons. You have betrayed your very race. You. Are. A. Disgrace." The Alpha stared at the man in disgust.

"P-please. H-have mercy." The man begged, his eyes watering as he already knew his dreaded fate.

"Perhaps if I was the one to be killing you, I'd have mercy. But, I'm afraid my--assassin--cannot have mercy. She cannot feel anything." The Alpha turned to the silver haired girl, who had remained quiet the entire time. The expression on her face had not changed. Her eyes were a pitch black void of endless darkness.

"You know what to do." The Alpha said, stepping back. The girl reached to her belt and drew the sword. She slowly stepped forward towards the man, sword in hand.

"P-please. I b-beg you. H-have mercy." The man's weeping grew louder as he begged for mercy.

"Lynx." The girl froze. She stood only a few inches from the man.

"Yes, Alpha." Her voice was icy. Her words sounded cruel and empty.

"Give him hell."

The man's shrieks filled the dungeon. Blood splattered on the ground, staining the concrete that was already stained with the blood. The ropes binding the man were slashed. His limp body fell to the ground, blood pooling around it. His severed head rolling a couple feet away. Multiple deep gashes covered his lifeless body. But the silver haired girl only stared down at it with her cold black eyes. She wiped the blood stained blade on the man's clothes and turned to her Alpha.

"Very good." He knew the praise was meaningless, she couldn't really accept it. She slid the blade back into her belt and the Alpha turned around, walking away from the cell. The girl followed, not bothering to look back. This was her life. She killed by the orders of her Alpha. It wasn't like she wanted to, she couldn't want nor desire anything. But she didn't dislike it neither. This was merely her purpose. She killed in a attempt to feel something. Anything. But she had killed more than she could count. And still, she felt nothing.

916 words

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