"Iero!" A man in a suit walked up to us, yelling at the assistant. "You don't talk to guests like that."

I smirked. "Yeah. My father paid good money for this hotel, I'm not going to be treated like trash by the help."

The assistant, Iero, looked like he wanted to say something, but quickly shut his mouth. The man in the suit looked apologetic.

"Forgive him, Mr. Wentz, I'll get someone to deliver your bags."

"Good." I strut away, my shoes clacking all the way to the elevator. Pushing aside the people waiting, I walked into the lift and pressed 30 on the board, smirking at all of the dirty looks the other people outside were giving me. I watched them disappear as the doors shut and I began moving upward. The back of the lift was glass, so I turned around and watched as I went up the grand foyer and through each level, finally resting on the top floor. The doors dinged open and I walked out, smiling at the the workers who were rushing around the hall.

The elevator didn't directly open up to the suite, disappointing, so I had to walk all the way across the hall to reach the large doors. I dug the envelope out of my pocket and pulled out the keycard. Sliding it into the slot next to the door, I tapped my foot. God, these things take forever to go through. When the doors finally opened, I entered the suite with a grin on my face.

All mine.


The next morning, waking up from my king sized feather bed, I pulled off my silk sleeping mask and placed my feet on the floor. Then I promptly screamed.

"FATHER! I asked for HEATED FLOORS!" I yelled, jumping onto the Persian rug, messaging my poor cold toes. No response. "FATHER!"

I heard an unfamiliar voice. "Your father left earlier for some meetings, may I come in to assist?"

"Finally a worker who knows his place," I muttered. "Yes! Come in."

A tall boy in a simple white button up and bow tie walked into the room, his gazing trailing down to the ground where I laid. His hazel eyes were inquisitive as he held out his arm for me to grab. I cringed and held his arm, feeling his muscles tighten as he pulled me up. Blinking quickly, I met his eyes.

"I'm Pete," I whispered.

"Mikey," he replied in a similar soft tone. We stood for a second, just looking at each other, for once my gaze humble.

I cleared my throat. "I'm ready for the pool. Care to join?"

He looked shocked. "I wish- I mean, I can't. I kinda have to work."

"Oh," I waved my hand, "I can fix that." I walked over to the side of the bed and picked up the phone, dialing the main number for the hotel. "Hi, yes, this is Pete Wentz, the son of the Pete Wentz, and I'm calling to inform you that I will be borrowing one of your workers- a cute boy named Mikey- for a few hours hours. I'll pay however much if I need to." I hung up, turning around and beaming at Mikey. "You have a bathing suit, I presume?"

He shook his head. "Not with me."

I scoffed. "One works at a hotel and doesn't have a bathing suit? How unfitting."

"Sorry, I guess I'm not swimming then." He started leaving the room. I lunged forward and grabbed his forearm, turning him towards me.

"Borrow one of mine, I brought 30." I smiled charmingly.

"I really shouldn't," Mikey mumbled.

"You really should," I said. "At least my father did something right with this hotel."

"And that would be...?"

I grinned again. "He did get me the cutest assistant."


End of part 1 yeet

There's only two parts for this one.

Okay, so here's the important question- how would you guys feel if I started doing requests? I mean, I have a million ideas but I feel like most of my oneshots recently have been of my own creation and kinda weird, and I feel bad if people actually want cliche and sweet oneshots instead??? So what do you think? Do you have any requests of oneshots you want to see/read??

If so, comment here or PM me anything is fine I just want to do what you guys want.

If the requests go well, I'll begin them after part two of Posh.

Love you,


Petekey OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now