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I went home just thinking about her. She's so different and just beautiful. I can't get her out of my head. I walked into my house then my moms said "Awe mon bébé est dans l'amour. Alors, quel est son nom?" I guess my face just told it all. "Son nom est Amaya et elle tout simplement magnifique." Then she had an confused look on her face. "Mais ce qui se passe à jennifer ? Je pensais que vous sortiez ." Then I told her what happened between us and she was furious.

"Ce houe méchant veut mettre ses produits pour tout le monde . Thats ce se baise autour et son âne méchant attrapé un std." I just started bursting out laughing. My moms told how it is. She was right should have not put yourself out there. Now she got an STD, stupid hoe. But tomorrow I'm going to talk to Amaya and try to get her to my date to the movies. I hope she say yes but I hope I don't freeze up on her ass. Let me pray before this go down.


I got home and I was just thinking. Do Devon really love me? I mean I still love him and I want him to be with me. I don't how to get him. He so hooked up on that Jennifer girl. I really can't believe she did that but everything happens for a reason. I think I have a plan. I'll ask Lucas to go on a date with me and then make Devon jealous. After Devon gets back together with me I'll just cut off Lucas. Yes, I know I'm using him but I do whatever it takes to get Devon back. So I asked one of my other homegirls, Jay. I called her up and at the third ring she pick up. "What's up girl?" "Hey I got a question." "Yeah sure what is it about?" "How you feel about Lucas?"

Then she paused and started screaming. "Girl he is fine and my goodness, have you seen his hair, lips, eyebrows, face." Then I rolled my eyes. "Look you probably going hate me for this but ... I don't like him I want to use him to Devon back." Out of thin air she started bursting out laughing. I swear she bipolar. "Girl Devon don't love you. If he loved you he wouldn't have been cheating on you. Look if you don't like Lucas then leave him alone. Don't use nobody for anyone, especially not for a nigga like Devon." Then I thought about it. She's right but ... What if she's wrong? I'm gonna go with my heart. "Okay bye." I love Devon and I'm going to get him back. No matter what happens.


Wow Amaya you are not pulling a smart move. It's going to come back to her. Just watch. But thanks for reading!

L A I L A J 💙✨

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