Chapter One: Guess I'm ready to travel the universe

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(A/N: Hi there~ Thanks for reading this, if you do. :D I'm writing this to give you fair warning: I don't really settle on just one POV. Proof reading this chapter, I've realized I tend to jump back and forth between the two when the need suits me, so I'm sorry in advance if it's confusing. I'm also proofreading this on my own, so please be kind about any mistakes. I'm trying my best. The start of this is post RE6 by only a few minutes, maybe not even that. Piers is, of course, still infected. Chris will show up, in due time, as well. Anyway, enjoy the story!)


Life was boring for Emil before that morning. The morning that everything changed. Emil hadn't intended to do much of anything that day, really. It was a weekend and she didn't have any work, for once. Then again, she was glad for it. Retail wasn't the best thing to work in for someone of her temperament. She kind of hated dealing with people now. Most were stupid and those that weren't stupid were like unicorns, very rarely seen out in the wild. So she took each day off of work gladly. And it just so happened to be the fourth of July weekend, so she could spend her weekend drinking and generally trying to not feel so lonely. Well, spend it with beer and video games really. At least, that's what she intended to do.

She had woken up on the morning of July 1st in the year 2016 with every intention of starting her morning off with a shower and a good home cooked breakfast. What she got was, while close to a shower, far from what she expected. Very far. She'd just been stepping into the shower when, with a spontaneity that she would come to expect of her life later, a rather injured young man came crashing into her and sending both of them to the floor of the bathroom. Glad her towel had remained with her, she had been about to try getting up when the feeling of something trying to tug her stomach out of her body hit her and it did a strange flip flop and her world turned upside down and suddenly both of them were crashing onto a beach somewhere and everything just hurt so bad. The last thing she remembered as she blacked out was the cries of the seagulls as they retreated from the beach and the nauseating smell of what little had been in her stomach quickly finding its new home on the beach.

The next thing she remembered was waking up to darkness. She could feel the panic settling into her empty stomach as she woke up before she realized that it was only the darkness of nighttime settling in around her as it chased away what had probably been a beautiful sunset. Still groggy and panic stricken, it took her another moment to realize the next few facts. The first being the young man currently laying face down across her body and that only the towel separated him from her. The second was the fact that it was starting to get cold, which was quickly followed by the third, that she was rather naked underneath her towel. Her first instinct was to scramble away from him and try to preserve her dignity. He was, however, heavier than she'd expected him to be upon first glance and soon gave up, though she was clearly not happy about it. The next thing she did was actually look at the young man. She couldn't see his face, as it was turned away from her, and she could only really see his left side. She couldn't see over his body to see the other side of him but, judging from what she /could/ see, his condition wasn't very good. Besides being absolutely drenched in water, there was green gunk all over him, along with what looked to be blood. The fading light was making it harder to see things.

She tried again to move him, startled when he groaned in clear pain. He seemed to curl up on top of her then away from her, rolling off of her. Sitting up with one hand, and using the other to hold up her towel, she watched him with wide eyes, fear settling into her stomach alongside the panic that lay waiting. Her thought process froze as she recognized exactly who he was and what had happened to him. The last time she'd seen him had been at the end of Chris' campaign in Resident Evil 6. She'd never forget the arm he had, which sparked now, lighting up the surrounding area. Nor would she ever forget the look he'd given his Captain as he pushed him into the escape pod, sacrificing his life for the rest of the planet even while knowing with some certainty that no one would really know how much he had sacrificed for them and how much it meant to him except for maybe Chris. Or would she forget the small amount of fear she always thought she saw in his eyes as he watched Chris escape. Her friends told her she was seeing things, but she always believed that she saw it. It was something she would always remember, even if just in those times when she felt like doing something stupid to herself. It sort of kept her going, the courage she'd witnessed despite the fear. It made her feel silly, thinking so much and so highly of a person that wasn't supposed to be real and she was sure her friends would make fun of her for it if they knew but here he was. Here Piers Nivans was, in the flesh and the pain, and painfully real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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