Lunatic Doctor

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Chapter 2

Brayden's mind was swirling, not just cause he almost died from loss of blood...and poison, and shock from his best friend trying to kill him. Also add in the factor of being saved by a teenage blonde with a bow, and listening to the kid-who's name was Will-scream weird medical things at other people. But the swirliest of all, the fact that Will had said he recognized him, and that he had once had a younger brother named Brayden. He stared into he brilliant blue eyes of the teen who saved his life.
Memories Brayden didn't know he had, started flooding his brain. Memories of an old run down building full of children, and in it; someone was carrying him. It was a boy with golden blonde hair.


"Are you ok Brayden?" He asked, and the infant Brayden simply answered as babies do, in a short and quiet gurgle. Blondie-who Brayden remembered was Will!-cracked a small smile, and said, "I guess that's a yes huh?" Another gurgle.

(End flashback)

Will stared at Brayden, trying to make some kind of "telepathic connection" through his brain to see what he was thinking.

(Another flashback)

"Come on Jack! Let's adopt both of them!" Said a hyper Mrs. Vess. While a rather unhappy Mr. Vess was standing beside her, as they were looking at pictures of all the kids in the orphanage. They had...almost settled on two brothers, one was four, and the other only two weeks old.
"Look, Hilary," said Mr. Vess as he drew his wife over to a corner of the lobby, "I don't even want one kid. But I'll agree with JUST the two week old." The pink in Mrs. Vess's cheeks went dull. And the fire in her eyes slowly burned out.
"Really? Is that all you'll be okay with?" She said glumly. He nodded.
"Well......ok I guess." Mrs. Vess finally said.
They walked back over to the front desk, and Mr. Vess spoke, "We have decided to adopt the two week old only ma'am." The quite muscular and grungy hand looking receptionist's entire face went pink.
"Umm...well ok. But it'll be tough getting him away from his brother."
"Well we can deal, now what's the kid's name." Demanded Mr. Vess.
"Yes, of course." She clicked the button on her mouse right before she answered.
"Well, his name's Brayden Solace, aaaaaaand that's all we really know." "Ok, thank you miss," said Mrs. Vess, glancing at the teenager's name tag, "Jade."
The two walked down to the children's living quarters, and opened the swinging doors to find a gigantic room filled with beds, toys, and children. There was also a skylight at the very top of the ceiling. Mrs. Vess' face was overcome with joy, while Mr. Vess' face looked as if he just stepped in a room full of people with leprosy.
He slowly lowered his gaze to his wife's, and said to her, "We get the kid, and get out. Ok?" She nodded briskly. And bounded of to talk to the guard standing close to the door. After her conversation, they were both led over to a corner of the large room. Where a bed and a crib were placed, and on the bed was a little boy holding a baby.
"Hey, Will," said the guard, "go ahead and put your brother down. I need to talk to you for a minute." The boy called Will nodded, set his brother in his crib, and walked with the guard to a corner of the room. The Vess' saw Will's face go from bright pink, to sickly pale. Right before he started saying, "No, no no no no no. No you can't, you can't take my brother! He's the only family I have!" He started crying as the guard brought him back.
"You!" Screamed Will, staring at them, "You're taking my brother from me! Please, don't take him from me, please take me with you, with him."
Tears started forming in the eyes of Mrs. Vess, but before she could say anything, her husband said this, "Well kid, life happens. We're taking your brother whether you like it or not. Not that I want him anyway. So just deal with it, ok?" Will looked as if he was about to strangle him. Tears streaming down his face.

Mr. Vess then picked up the infant from the crib, the blanket, and walked away, pulling his wife along with him. While back by the beds, there was Will, crying and screaming(while being restrained by the guard), "NO, NO YOU BRING HIM BACK YOU SICK SICK PEOPLE!!!" He finally screamed, "GIVE HIM BACK!!" Before breaking free from the guard's grip and running after them; the guard following. But before he reached them, he tripped over a toy and landed hard on the ground. But not before he slightly grazed Mr. Vess' ankle, and that caused the tall man to flinch. Mr. Vess looked at it later, there was a sunburn.

(End flashback)

"Helloooo, earth to Brayden." Will said as he snapped his fingers in front of the younger boy's face. Trying to get him to come back from the land of Hypnos. Will noticed small tears trailing down his face, and wanted him to come back and talk even more now.
He finally decided to do something he shouldn't. So he opened his hand, and a ball of light formed in it. Not hot, but very bright. So he simply said, "If you really are my brother; I am so sorry for this." And shoved the light ball in the eyes of his patient.
"Ggggaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Cried the young boy being blinded by the older one. He held his eyes, being woken from his sleeping trance.
"WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR!" Screamed Brayden, staring angrily in the eyes of his "doctor"(lunatic who tried to blind him).
"I had to wake you up, you were in some kind of trance. But I don't know why Hypnos would be mad at you. I think I'll have Clovis check it out, if he's awake." Will said. Brayden had thoughts once again being blended through his mind, "What is with this guy? What's he talking about? Who is Hypnos, and who the heck is this Clovis dude who's asleep?" But he decided to go along with it, and crossed his arms across his chest, and huffed a breath. Will looked at him.
"So you're agreeing now huh." Brayden quickly shook his head. Will looked Brayden up and down, then shook his head and chuckled to himself.
"Why did I even think you could be my brother, you are know nothing about being a child of Apollo."
Brayden listened intently to Will talking to himself.
"What do you mean Apollo, you mean the Greek god?"
"Yeah." Will answered.
"I'm in a madhouse!" Brayden thought, "I gotta get outta here!" He planned in his head to run, and acted without thinking...again. He sprinted from the infirmary and into a large courtyard with lots of stone tables. He started running to the hill with searing pain going through his legs and chest. He was dodging trees and bushes, and was almost to the top. When a sharp arrow flew by him, snagging the sleeve of his shirt in the process and pulling him along only to be stuck to a tree. He turned his head to see Will and a bunch of other kids running up the hill. Will looked like he would burst in anger. He began yelling. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU IDIOT!!! YOU ARE STILL EXTREMELY INJURED FROM THE ATTACK!! YOU GET BACK IN THAT INFIRM-" 
"That's enough Will." Said a deep voice. Brayden raised his head, and kept raising it until his eyes rested on a giant......horseman.

DundunDUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boom

Why did I just do that? I don't know, I'm insane.



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