An unsolved night

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"She's here, she's here!!" Screamed Spencer in delight. The four girls surrounded the car in excitement, as the leader of the quartet lashed out with a ravening smile. "Wow, Hanna you certainly cut out the weight say goodbye to hefty Hanna." Alison had said judgmentally. Deprived Hanna looked at herself in shame, blushing scarlet at who she used to be, she didn't want to say anything to Alison, due to Alison's best well being was to judge people.                                                                                                                    

The delighted leader took a hold of Emily and Aria. Arm around arm they walked to Spencer's barn getting ready to celebrate the last day of summer as a quintet before going back to school.                

" I need to go home, check in with my mother i'll see you soon" Alison had spoken. The four girls looked at each other baffled, inside thinking how she ditched them.                                                                                                                     

The clock strucked 8, they all waited in the timid barn yet no arrival from the party pooper. An hour had passed and she suddenly arrived seeming very anxious. They drank, they laughed, they spoke, they slept yet little did they know they were being drugged. Aria woke up at 2.00 AM confused and woke up Emily and Hanna. "Where's Alison and Spencer?!" She asked hesistant, the door was left wide open the room was as cold as an ice berg. They all looked around petrified, unexpectedly Spencer came in looking weary. "Wheres Alison?" they all said in unison! "She's gone.." A cold shudder made there spines trembled with fear. Where would she have went at 2 AM? The trees swayed like a flamingo acting out the night as a big bowl of spaghetti.

                                                                  Where had Alison gone...

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