Relate to me

170 7 69

So I was tagged by worod-AKA-awesome (bitch).. so here goes nothing:

Relatable shit about me:

-I am socially awkward.

- I'm in love with so many fictional characters.

- Tom Hiddleston (you should understand what I mean).

-I love books.

-I.. Uh don't like people as much as Nutella and animals

-I can't lick my elbow

- I am not athletic but I love running, soccer and volleyball (never played volleyball but I wish I could)

- I am an Arian

- I don't know what am I doing with my life (I mostly watch batman and read books)

- I hate my sibilings and love them at the same time

That's enough.

Now I don't know as many ppl as I need to tag so I'm tagging random ppl
Sorry not sorry.

Idk half of these people but free follow for ya'll.

mikaelanay (love you ;)
__TEENAGE_QUEEN__ (yass Twenty Øne Piløts)

There you go.

You have one week.
Write relatable facts about you
Must find an interesting title.
Tag 10 people.

Ta ta for now.

Batgirl_in_evolution: out

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