"Oh Ginny it's perfect!" Hermione smiled at her friend. She turned around to look at her dress once more. She loved her dress, she tried on countless dresses and none of them suited her or what she liked. But finally, with help from Narrissa Malfoy and Ginny she found the perfect dress. She ran her hands over the fabric once more staring in the mirror.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Hermione asked Ginny, turning over her shoulder

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"Do you think he'll like it?" Hermione asked Ginny, turning over her shoulder.

"He'll love anything you wear, hon" She smiled back at her in reassurance. "So, are you ready?" Ginny asked.

"I am" Hermione sighed.


Hermione and Ginny walked down the long hallway to the double doors where Harry, Luna, Teddy,  Fluer's daughter, Vicctory, who would be the flower girl,  were waiting. Teddy would be the ring bearer. Harry would be walking Hermione down the aisle since her parents memories were lost. Harry would also be a groomsmen while Blaise was the bestman. Luna was one of Hermione's bride's maids. Ginny was the made of honor.

Ginny flattened out the non existent wrinkles in her lavender and silver dress. The colors of the wedding were white, lavender and silver. The men with lavender and white roses in the lapels. The girls with their lavender and silver dresses. Hermione's bouquet filled with white and lavender roses with silver sticks that twisted into spirals. The whole church was decorated in those colors. Even little Vicctory wore a white and silver dress with a lavender shash and would throw lavender petals.

Then, the music began.

"Thank you for doing this Harry" Hermione whispered.

"What? For walking you down the aisle? My pleasure Mione" He smiled at her and offered her his arm.

"That's our cue" Ginny walked over, "See you in there" She smiled and walked into the church.

Narissa, Blaise and Draco had walked in just moments before they arrived, as planned. Luna went, now Ginny. Little Teddy and Vicctory then headed in. And right after, Hermione and Harry. She looked down the end of the aisle to see Draco standing by the person to marry them, Blaise next to Draco.

He looked blown away to see her, a large smile took over his face which she returned as she neared him. Harry let her go and walked to stand next to Blaise, Hermione then stood and faced Draco.

"You look beautiful" He whispered to her as the music came to an end.

"We are gathered here today, on this beautiful afternoon to celebrate the joining of love, and lives, between Draco Lusious Malfoy and Hermione Jean Granger. You may proceed with the vows."

Hermione went first, "Draco Malfoy, when I first met you I wont lie, I thought you were a foul loathsome evil little cockroach who despised muggleborns and had to tell your father about everything" - the audience, and Draco, laughed - "And I didn't realize until our last year, until after a bloody wizarding war, until after we were made heads, that I was totally and completely wrong. I never expected what you told me that night in the Room of Requirements. That was the night it all changed. I met the real Draco Malfoy, and I fell for him. You didn't just become my lover or boyfriend, you became my bestfriend. And with all the insanity we've been through, I remember every moment. And I'm so glad we got where we are because life, could not be better. I love you Draco, and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you" When Hermione finished, both hers and Draco's, eyes were brimmed with tears. Draco didn't let them fall, but she could see them. Hermione quickly brushed a tear off her face and smiled up at him.

"And now Draco" The priest said.

"Hermione Granger," He smiled, "When I  first met you... Oh when I first met you. I fell for you that second. Even with your bushy hair, and beaver teeth" Hermione laughed along with the audience. "You were still the most beautiful girl I had ever met. I hid it though, and let me admit to you it was one of the hardest things I'd ever done... But I knew to keep you safe, letting it through would never be allowed. But when the war ended, and we were made heads... All I wanted was to run up to you and confess my love" He chuckled, "But I couldn't... Because, I didn't think a deserved you. In fact I still don't... But I'm not ever letting you get away again. Because Hermione, you made me a promise. When I was alone and beating myself up... You made the promise to fix me," Hermione let out a slight gasp as she remembered and a tear streaked down her face. The tears welling in Draco's eyes threatened to come down too. "And you did... You fixed me... Fixed me so far beyond it's like I've never been broken... There is nothing I wouldn't do for you Hermione, because your my life, and I couldn't live without you. I love you Hermione, and spending the rest of my life with you is the best thing I could ever imagine in my life." One tear made it's way out which he quickly wiped away and stared at Hermione who was wiping the tears off her face smiling at him.

"Well now, is there anyone who objects this marriage, speak now of forever hold your piece"


"Good, we don't want to break up these two eh?"

The audience laughed.

"The rings Teddy," Little Teddy handed the rings to Draco and Hermione.

"Now, Draco, do you take Hermione as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" He smiled at Hermione, placing the ring on her finger.

"And, Hermione do you take Draco as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" She smiled even wider, if possible sliding the ring on Draco's finger.

"You may now, kiss the bride"

Draco pulled her into him, dipping her backwards in a deep passionate kiss and the audience of friends and family cheered. She kissed him back and when the pulled away he picked her up bridal style. She gasped, not really expecting it but started laughing with him.

And that is the untold story of Draco and Hermione... And how everything changed. Because not everything they tell you is true. But love always wins.

"I love you Draco"

"I love you too Hermione"


A/N: ITS OVER -sobs- xD I really hope you guys enjoyed this fanfiction as much as I loved writing it. I wanted to continue but the writers block was getting worse so I decided to end it off here where I knew what to do... Don't hate me xD. But I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment and vote! AND PLEASE READ MY OTHER FANFICTIONS! My newest one that I'm focusing on the most What If - which is a Dramione story - Please read! Its going to be great. Its about what if Voldemort won the war instead of Harry. And all Draco wants is Hermione. Check it out! Thanks you guys for all the love and support it really means a lot to me! I love you guys! See you in the next book!

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