Chapter 15

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It was dark out now, and we had maybe two hours before the show was to start.

By this point, Alex had taken off his sunglasses.

They were slipped into his shirt, by the arm.

Our chairs were a bit closer than when we first came out here, and small smiles sat on our faces from the conversation we were having.

"So, you used to have long hair?" I said, again.

"Yeah. I'll show you a picture, sometime." He commented.

"Id certainly like to see that." I smiled.

He smiled, sniffed and looked up at the night sky.

We couldn't see as many stars as I'd want to, but it was alright.

Id just as equally sit under any amount of stars with Alex.

He checked the watch on his wrist, sitting up a little more.

"Perhaps we should wake up Matt. Make our way over to the venue."

He stood up, stretching. His shirt rode up a bit, allowing me to spy a small section of skin on his side.

"How about it, then?" He asked, looking down at me.

I felt a moment of sadness, disappointed that our time alone had to end.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Alright." He said, sending me a light smile and holding his hand out to me.

I stared at it for a moment, looking back up to his face in confusion.

His smile grew a little wider and he pushed his hand further towards me, willing me to take his hand.

I did and he held it as we walked back inside.

He pulled me and spun me around as if we were dancing, letting go of my hand and raising his arms as I completed the 360.

He smiled and then walked over to Matt, shaking the man awake.

"What?" Matt said, letting out a snore.

"We've got to head towards the venue. Come on, mate." Alex said.

"How long till we go on?" He asked, rolling over.

"Bout two hours." Alex replied.

"I'll meet you guys there in an hour." He said, almost instantly falling asleep.

Alex scoffed, grabbing Matt's phone and setting the alarm, turning up the volume and setting it right next to Mr.Helders head.

"Come on, let's go." Alex said.

I felt a bit of nerves over come me. We weren't taking the van, where we? I mean, the venue wasn't that far from the hotel, but still.

I wasn't completely helpless, but I was certainly skittish about walking around the streets of an unfamiliar town, especially at night, and more so with what I'd been through so far.

I slipped on a jacket, and hesitantly followed Alex out the door.

"I'll text Nick..." I murmured to myself.

He nodded as we began the walk to the elevator.

I sent off a text to my brother, 'Walking to the venue with Alex. Matt refused to wake up.'

We stepped into the elevator, and Alex leant against the wall after pushing the button for the first floor.

I grabbed the rail and squeezed it until my knuckles were white.

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