You make a mess

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(f/a) = favorite animal  also see if you can come up with a story for the pic

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(f/a) = favorite animal  also see if you can come up with a story for the pic.


Even though Toriel was capable of taking care of children, she didn't have all the things needed to take care of a baby. So she called Alphys over to help her.

~5 Minutes Later~

Alphys came in through the door with a bag full of baby items.

"I'm h-here!"

"Alphys! How'd you get here so fast?"

"I-I took a t-trip on the Riverperson's boat. Now, w-where is (y/n)?"

Toriel lead Alphys to the kitchen where they found you happily digging into Toriel's pie.


You had fallen asleep in Sans' arms as he walked in the door of his house. Sans had quickly shushed his brother as Papyrus was about to say something. When Papyrus looked over Sans pointed to you.

"SANS, WHAT'S GOING ON?" Papyrus said as quiet as he possibly could while setting the plate of spaghetti he had down on the table. Sans set you down on the couch while he followed Papyrus into kitchen to explain and get more spaghetti. You had woken up after they walked in the kitchen, the smell of food hit your nose as you looked at the table.

You, the sneaky kid you are, crawled off the couch, and over to the table. You managed to somehow get yourself onto a chair and onto the table. When the skele-bros came back, you where happily digging into the spaghetti, covered in sauce.


Walking in the door of his house, he found his brother, Sans to be asleep. Papyrus set you down on the couch and walked over to his brother and gently shook him awake.

*SpongeBob timecard voice* Meanwhile...

Sitting on the couch you fiddled with Papyrus' scarf for a bit, which you eventually unraveled yourself from. Crawling down from the couch you crawled into the kitchen. As Papyrus was explaining how he found you, Sans and him heard a loud clatter from the kitchen.

When they walked in, they saw some pots and pans on the floor. You just sat on the counter.


As Undyne walked into her house she set you down in a soft chair and picked up her phone to call someone.

*SpongeBob timecard voice again* Meanwhile...

You eventually got bored and went exploring. Crawling around you found a dusty box which said "Random Stuff" on the side, but you couldn't read it. You managed to open it and inside you found a (f/a) plush. Inside the box was also a bottle of shampoo and other stuff.

Back with Undyne...

"Yeah...don't rub it in Alphys." She said through the phone while glancing at the chair she set you in only to see you gone. "Hey uh...Alphys..."


"I lost her/him....."


They had found you and the doll covered in the shampoo liquid.


Setting you down in a table chair and looking in the fridge, Alphys was humming the theme song to Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. You on the other hand, wanted to explore. Without a sound, you hopped off the chair and crawled to Alphys' work table.

When Alphys found you, you had spilled a pile of paperwork all over the floor. You had helped Alphys pick up a few papers. When Alphys had checked all of the papers she noticed one was missing. You tugged on her lab coat and held up the paper to her smiling sweetly.


After the show, Mettaton had set you down on the couch in Alphys' lab to ask Alphys for help taking care of you.

Meanwhile...(I'm doing this a lot aren't I?)

You got off the couch and crawled over to Alphys' work table. Uninterested in what was on the table, you crawled past, but bumped the leg making a vile fall on you. Mettaton and Alphys heard the glass break and ran to find you.

They found you unharmed,(no crazy squid attachments and stuff is what I mean) except the fact that you had (f/a) ears and tail.

"OHMIGOSH! Mettaton I'm so so so sorry I-I f-forgot the vile was so close to the edge! I...I.." Alphys panicked as your dad picked you up. The liquid had changed nothing about you other than the ears and tail.

"Oh Alphys, it's ok. (y/n) is still her/his sweet self. In fact, I think this'll boost the ratings of our next show!" Mettaton reassured her while you clapped your hands happily.

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