Chapter 5

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                The sun will rise, and we will try again. Those nine words have been repeated to you every night since Tyler told you who he was. When he drops you off at your apartment complex's door, he says those same words. However, every night he says it, it sounds different. The emotion he inflicts into his voice makes the words sound different, night after night. Perhaps it's the way he's feeling that day, or how he wants you to feel.

You don't mind that the thoughts that usually torture you before sleep, are being replaced with Tyler. He made you feel alive. You were no longer drowning or suffocating. You could fill your lungs with the air that you haven't felt in a while. Just before your eyes lead you into sleep, your ears pick up the sound of someone knocking at your door. There's usually nobody here this late. Anxiety begins to run through your veins as you slowly pull the covers back. Should you really answer the door? Nobody wants to see you. The voice in your head provokes. You tip-toe to the kitchen, grab a knife, and look at the clock on the stove. 2:37 A.M. it read. You furrow your eyebrows before walking to the door. "Hello?" You ask as you lean close to the door.

"(Y/N)? I-it's Tyler."

Your anxiety bolts out of your body when it recognizes the name and voice. He sounded upset and a little panicky. You set the knife on the table and open the door. He stumbles in because he'd been resting his head on the door. "Are you okay?" You ask while putting his hood down.

"I-I. No." He says shakily.

You pull his shaking figure into a hug and lead him over to the couch.

"What's up?" You ask while walking back to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate.

"I feel like I'm drowning." He begins with a small voice. "Like I'm walking through the desert and I haven't found a drop of water. But, I hold the music I've created in the palm of my hand because it's all that I have, and it's all that I need and- and-"He begins hyperventilating. You drop the mug in your hand and rush over to him.

"Tyler! Tyler it's okay! You're okay! Speak to me." You yell while wrapping him in a hug. You notice he's freezing cold. He was wearing no shoes, a hoodie, sweatpants, and must have walked here. It was oddly cold for summer because fall was rapidly approaching. His ragged breaths slow down, but his hands are still shaking. You hold his hands in yours and wait for him to calm down.

"I can't do it anymore." He whispers. His voice is barely audible, but the night is quiet enough for you to hear.

"What, Tyler?"

"Play this game. This torturous game of life. My whole world seems dull and lonely. I miss Jenna. I miss Josh. I miss feeling alive inside." He says while burying his face in his hands.

"Oh, Ty." You sigh while rubbing his back. He's shaven what little hair he had again. Your heart breaks at the sight. Now that you're closer to him, you notice the bags under his eyes. How small his frame has gotten. How he's gotten so skinny, it's like he crawled behind his bones to hide.

"I'm tired. Tired in so many ways and in so many places, I don't know where to begin resting." He says, never moving. You slowly stand back up and walk in to the kitchen. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. The damn kitchen sink was broken. The drops create a small stream of water to the drain. "I just want out. Out of this life." Tyler whimpers. You turn on the broken sink and fill the unbroken mug with water. Carefully stepping over the shards of glass, you walk back to the couch. You hand Tyler the water and watch as he sucks it down greedily. He's so unhealthy.

"Thank you." He finishes as he runs his tongue over his chapped lips. "Her funeral was in September." He begins. "The floor turned into a hole in the ground and nothing made since to me anymore." His words eerily resemble the song from his album No Phun Intended. He'd apparently been performing that song at some recent concerts. "I just need. Help." He concludes. God did he miss Jenna. When she died, nobody knew how hard it would affect him. Everyone's heart broke for him, but his was too far gone.

"Tyler." Your arms wrap around his small frame once again. Truce begins to play in your head and you hum along.

"I will fear the night again." Tyler sings quietly to your humming.

"I hope I'm not my only friend." His voice fills your tiny apartment, and it couldn't sound any more beautiful.

"Stay alive, stay alive for me." You finish. He hugs you back and rests his head in the crook of your neck. You feel warmth from his tears drip and create a stream down your shoulder. It drains into the cloth of your tee-shirt and forms a dark spot. You rub Tyler's back and just let him cry. Sometimes, it was all someone needed. His breaths become more even, and his arms get more and more limp. You feel the stream of tears stop. He's fallen asleep for, probably, the first time in a while. You gently lie him down on the couch and pull a blanket over him. You set a glass of water on the table in front of him and write out a note.

Before you start your day.

The sun has risen, and we will try again.

"Goodnight, Ty." You mumble while crawling back into your bed, finally letting the night consume you.

Should I continue my books for Ty and Josh? They're not getting much feedback. Tell me what you think of the chapter :-) love you guys.

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