a week later

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It was Wednesday which means swim meet stella sees all of her friends waving her over. So she ran over there and passes by Josh and she trip but Josh caught her and she smiles and walks the rest of the way she looks back at Josh and starts blushing. She gets to her friends. ( Brit,jade,grace,ally) they
Asked her a lot of question like how did we meet and like what is he like.

(Josh pov)
I turn around to find stella looking at me she rolled her eyes and I start laughing.she walks to me and I said caught u she starts giggling I smile and said ur giggle is so cute she smiles and says thanks and I said that was weird. I looked into her eyes and they were sparking. I was confused on why her eyes were sparking. She looked at me and said why r u confused and I said how do u know I was confused then she said ur face expression next I said ur eyes they r sparkling.she looks down and says I have to go. She walked to the bathroom and I didn't know what I said wrong

(Stella's pov)
When Josh said that my eye were sparkling I knew I couldn't let him know that I like him. So I walked to the bathroom and fixed my hair into a long ponytail and walked out I saw Josh and kept walking I sat down on my towel and looked at my phone a tear fell down my face as I looked at the text messages I had received from my mother then I see Josh I wiped the tear of my face and looked at him he had a concerned expression on his face as another tear ran down my face he sat next to me and I leaned my phone towards him after he read the message he pulled me closer to him but I held back I said Josh I can't do this ur dating kacy not me then he said no I am not she broke up with me two days ago then another tear ran down my face as my head went on his shoulder after 3 min I was calm and refreshed from the message I went to get a water when I came back my friends were crowding Josh I said back away from Josh or one of u all will get pushed in the pool. They backed away and Josh look at me and. Winks I smile and said no flirting with me and he start laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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