“You’re a nice kid Luke, I’d hate to have to break your arms and legs.”

He let Luke down and stared at him till he turned and ran back out of the door. Zak then turned to me and his eyes were fiery, which made my face flush bright red.

“Now,” he said. “Get out of those clothes I have waited long enough!”

I turned and walked towards the bedroom, feeling Zak’s penetrating gaze on my ass, he followed me into the bedroom, and closed the door behind him. He stood by the door with his arms crossed over his chest, I knew what he was waiting for so I willing obliged. I pulled my t-shirt off and unhooked the button on my shorts and slid the zipper down. I stepped out of my brief pants and in a few moments my suntanned, toned body was completely naked.

He grinned and followed suit, jerking off his shirt and skinny jeans, he wore no underwear and I was quickly able to see that his cock was indeed in proportion to the rest of him. He came towards me and without even thinking I fell to my knees, he put his hands on my shoulders and directed himself to my lips.

“A beautiful and intelligent man on his knees sucking cock is the most thrilling experience in the world,” he said.

With that he pushed himself toward me, parting my lips, and forcing the whole huge head into my mouth. I was totally overwhelmed, just the smell of him was exciting, a rich aroma of male flesh. My jaw started to ache and my lips were stretched, almost torn, but a raging desire had been sparked in my chest and I wanted him to quench it.

I lost all sense of what I was doing, suddenly I was a mad man, sucking, licking, groaning, feeling him pound into my throat. I put my hands on his arse and pulled him closer to me, I dug my fingers into his flesh and he groaned and sped up.

His movements built to a frenzy and I knew he was at the brink, finally he gave one last thrust and his cock slid right down my throat, with that came the explosion, the eruption of his semen spurting from his huge length. I sat back on my feet and licked my lips, he looked down at me and his expression was a mixture of appreciation and bewilderment.

“Wow,” he said. “You’re better than anything I could have imagined.”

“That weapon you have between your legs is a major incentive.” I replied.

I thought he might give me a rest but I had thought wrong, he helped me up from the ground and pulled me in for a kiss, his lips were so soft I couldn’t help but groan as he kissed me. He lay me down on my bed and I wrapped my legs tightly around him, as he supported himself on his palms. He gently entered me and at that moment, I suddenly realised that what I had thought was sexual experience had been up until this point little more than hors d’oeuvres.

I opened my eyes and saw him smiling down at me, without knowing why I began to smile too. He sped up his movements and I cried out and grabbed his hair with my fingers, another shout escaped my lips but my ass responded and bucked off the bed to meet his thrusts. I heard him scream, a long moaning yell, I surrendered myself completely to him and in that I felt a climax in me that went so far deeper than anything I had ever known.

I don’t remember what happened next. It was all bright lights and dreamlike sounds and when we had stopped thrashing and twitching, we were a tangle of arms and legs lying on the floor. We couldn’t speak for a long time, so the first words he spoke to me completely startled me.

“Coach would have had a fit if he saw that,”

“Your coach?” I asked perplexed

“Were not supposed to fuck,” he said

“Why not?” I was confused

“It’s energy,” he said. “The amount of energy that goes into a fuck like that is worth one hundred laps around the field, he said if we did fuck to keep movements to a minimum or to just get a blowjob.”


“I have liked you for ages, and when I saw you go off with Luke it killed me, I only have four weeks until I have to leave for training and I had to have you but I knew that once I got you I wouldn’t be able to let you go.” he said.

“Oh, well we have four weeks, and maybe I could come visit you when you play at home?” I replied.

“Why don’t you come with me?” he said. “I just want to have you near me.”

“But what would I do? And what about school?”

“Well, you don’t really take school seriously anymore do you?” he asked

I had to consider, “No not really, it’s a bit of a farce for someone who has no specific goals.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t know, what would I do?”

“I don’t know, “he said. “I could look after you, I could set you up in an apartment and visit you when I’m home?”

“God it sounds like the olden days and I will cook and clean and have your meals ready on the table” I chuckled.

He didn’t reply, he leaned over me again and brought his lips to mine, my mouth opened and his tongue entered. For a while our tongues just slipped over each other, and by the time he broke away I was breathless. He reached under my back and gently lifted, turning me over, I lay on my front as he ran his fingers over my back. I arched my arse cheeks and his fingers slipped between my crack, two fingers entered me and I groaned from the contact.

“Oh, Zak” I moaned.

He increased the pressure and I began to grind into him, pushing my arse into his hand. He covered my neck with kisses sending shivers down my spine, every time he touched me it changed my reality. Something was changing in me and I knew I couldn’t give this up, he hands were driving me mad with desire for more.

“What do you want?” he teased.

“You!” I moaned, “I need you please now.”

Once again I found myself becoming utterly passive, an open hole for him to use and he filled me completely. He made love to me for over half an hour, and I screamed until I was hoarse. He collapsed on top of me and we both fell to the floor breathing heavily, he rolled off me and lay next to me on the floor smiling and looking into my eyes.

“Billy, I don’t know if this is right, or if it will work out or not. I don’t know what it is that I am offering you, but I have never known anything like that with any other man, and I don’t want to give it up. And if we keep seeing each other it will just make it harder for me to leave you in four weeks.” He said

My heart sank. He was going to leave me now, I know it. I couldn’t imagine not seeing him again, in just one afternoon he had completely changed me for the better.

“You have to decide now, I want you to come with me please, I promise I will think of something that you can do so that you don’t have to sit at home waiting for me to come back, maybe I can even find you a job on the team or something, I don’t know? But then we can see each other often.” His words were coming thick and fast and I could feel his panic.

“I don’t know, it’s a big step Zak, we barely know each other?”

“Where is your spirit of adventure? Just choose now if you come with me we can stay together. But if you say no I will leave now, I’m falling for you Billy and I don’t want it to get any worse if we have to part in four weeks.” He said

It was the most reckless decision I have ever made, I imagined how pissed off my parents would be but it’s my choice and perhaps it was time to do something for myself for a change. I looked up to the most gorgeous eyes, and I smiled at him.

“Alright Zak, I will come with you.”

But before he smiled he picked me up and kissed me, telling me over and over how glad he was, let’s hope this doesn’t turn out to be a complete disaster.

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