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Last name:Shinozaki
Height:151 cm/4' 11"
Weight:43.2 Kg/95 Ib
Birthday:September 12
Blood type: A type
Bust size:A cup (wears sports bra underneath)
School:Kisaragi Academy Senior High
Occupation:High school student
Likes:Fortune telling,Manga,Anime,Light novels and the Playstation Portable
Dislikes:Adults (Mainly men)
Hobbies:Telling ghost stories,Collecting occult paraphernalia and illustrating
Future dream:To be a illustrator
Family:Ayato (farther)
Asuka (mother)
Hinoe (older sister)
Kanae (grandmother)
Hirohito (grandfarther)
Jin,Yohko,Yuri (Great Aunts)
Yuuki,Tadashi (great uncles)
Chidzuru (great grandmother)
Tadanari (great grandfarther)
Makina,Raki (G2 Aunts)
Takashi,Kaon (G2 Uncles)
Seira (G3 Grandmother)
Yoshie (1C2R)
Seiji (1CIL2R)
Sachiko (2C1R)
Ayumi Shinozaki
Shinozaki Ayumi is the class representative of Kisaragi Academy Senior High's classroom 2-9 a victim trapped inside heavenly host elementary school and one of the main playable characters throughout the Corpse Party series.She is the main protagonist in Corpse Party BloodDrive.

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