The Nickname

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Picture of Brooklyn👆

I woke up by the sound of something coming from the kitchen, so i took a bat and slowly sneaked up to the kitchen where I heard it come from. I was hiding in the hallway to see who it was, when I heard my moms voice I groaned, and put the bat down.
"Oh heeyyyy Brooklyn" my mom said
"Are you high mom?"
"Ew, Don't call me mommm, it makes me sound olddd"
"Let's get you to bed"
"But I want to partayy" she said pouting
"You can party tomorrow, but right now you have to rest, okay?" I said feeling really tired
"Okayy" she said finally giving in.
I walked my mom to her bed and layed down with her and made sure she fell asleep before I fell asleep.

Not wanting to wake up.


I woke up by the alarm on my phone and groaned.

I took a shower, changed into clothes, put on light makeup, and cooked breakfast (leaving some for my mom) and last leaving a bottle of water and Tylenol for my mother on her dresser next to her bed, and walked to school.
Typical morning...


 👆This is how Brooklyn looked for school

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👆This is how Brooklyn looked for school

As I walk to school I got shoved and pushed by A lot of people I just don't understand why people don't like me, I just try to think positive. I only have two true friends ones name is Katrina she is always there for me and she's a really tough girl so if anybody messes with me or her she'll kick there asses. My other friend, Joey he's gay but he's really nice and he loves me a lot and if anybody gets in the way of him or me or anybody that he loves he'll kick their asses also but even harder and he does not play and he's really sassy but I love Joey and he loves me too so that's all That matters. He always dresses like he just came out of Arocrombie and Fitch or Hollister and he always has his hair dyed a different color.

I was walking and I accidentally bumped it to somebody and dropped  all my books and I said sorry without looking at the face, and speed walking to get away, before anyone teased me, but just as I was trying to get away i felt a grip on my wrist and turned around... Only to see the hottest boy in the school... Emmet Reynolds.
"Look I'm really sorry" I said trying to get out his grip
"I'll forgive you, on 1 condition babycakes" he said with a smirk
At that moment I felt butterflies in my stomach and I blushed as I tried to get out of his grip
"And that is?" Getting annoyed I asked
"You be my tutor for a month"
"Hell no"
"Why not? Come on"
"Because I don't have time to tutor someone, sorry" I said as I finally got out his grip and walked to my locker hoping he would leave me alone.
"Fine babycakes, but this isn't the last time you'll be hearing of me he said with a smirk, and walked away.
But then he walked towards me and whispered "it's not over babycakes" in my ear which sent shivers down my body, and at that moment I knew 2 things 1. I was the darkest shade of red 2. Babycakes was my new nickname


Hi loves so this is my first book and chapter so plzz don't judge me, anyways I hope you like it loves. Don't forget to comment, like, and vote. Love you ❤️

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