Everything goes

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The air grew cooler and the sky grew darker, over the city of Leningrad lit up like a Christmas tree. The apartment windows reflected the light from the street lamps, once the sky became an orange colour the children would rush home to eat dinner that their mothers prepared for them. Red-cheeked YN took her scarf and wrapped it loosely around her neck, she grew self conscious of what the blond haired boy to her right thought of her, he seemed kind yet quiet. For about five minutes they walked in silence but the longing to be closer to each other but neither of them would make the first move because everything was at risk.

The sound of the snow crushing beneath Yns feet always made her feel pleased, it was a sound that was nice to hear. Vladimir brush the side of Yn arm, it made her heart jump and beat faster, there was something about him she loved other than his appearance. Vladimir's began to speak and his voice was more pleasing to hear than the snow, "How old are you? I recognize you, we must go to the same school." He looked eagerly down at Yn, she continued to glance up into his eyes they were so beautiful like sapphires.

"I am sixteen." Y/N muttered nervously.

The sun had began to set, Vladimir remained to her side and their pace began to slow down once yn pointed at her apartment building. She asked him, "What do you like to do?"

He asked, "To do?"

"Yes, in spare time."

Vladimir seemed to get excited but he didn't want to show it, "I love judo but I do hate school. It wasn't until this year I realized I had to start studying. If I don't I won't be able to achieve my one dream. Also it my father was furious when my teacher had told him that I wasn't trying my hardest, that really angered him."

Snowflakes fell from the sky and landed in YN brown hair, the sky was beautiful and the snow that glistened like crystals. Winter was the most beautiful season, especially in the morning when the frost has covered the large boughs of the evergreens. She asked Vladimir who appeared to have the stars in his eyes, "I understand how that feels and what is this one dream of yours?" He blushed and shot YN a smirk,

"It's a secret."

There at the bottom of the apartment, YN and Vladimir stood in front of each other. She looked up at him and he looked down at her. Once again they were quiet and nervous. Vladimir decided to break the silence, "It was sad seeing you there, sobbing and all pretty." He spoke quietly.

A smile came onto YN's face, "Oh now, that may be an exaggeration."

"It's not." Vladimir grasped onto YN tiny hand and placed it in his, it warmed up her hand and her heart, "Maybe I will see you at school one day. We could see each other tomorrow."

"I would love that." She returned.

They held onto each others hands, YN grabbed the handle of the door and opened it, warmer air inside went out, "I really hope I will see you, Vladimir. You're perfect." She bit her lip and blushed.

He began to walk across the street, "You too!"

She shut the door behind her, the further away he got from her the more she wanted them together. He was a gift. She knew it.

Young Love (A Vladimir Putin fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant