Chapter One: Naughty Jupiter

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- Kitty's Point Of View -

Humming I climbed up the ladder on the side of my building and then wrapped my arms around a pole as I fished for my keys in my pocket - why I am currently climbing the fire escape ladder instead of using my front door? 

Easy - first off this is way more fun than walking up boring stairs, second my creepy perverted neighbour was standing by the doors waiting for someone, and i'm not the sociable type. 

Finding my keys I put them in the lock and I opened my window before I climbed through it and landed on my carpet. Turning back around I pulled my key from the lock and then pushed my window down and re-locked it.

Smiling to myself I skipped out of my bedroom and into my living room  where I jumped onto my couch and kicked my boots off as I pressed the 'ON' button on the television remote.

Laying on my back with my feet over the back of the couch, I watched Ghost Adventures upside down as I fiddled with the remote.

After the recorded episode ended I got up and grabbed some food and went to my bed, I do hope Dede will be okay tomorrow - her cousin, Harry, was apparently a real ass the last time they interacted and Dede did not take it well at all.

Next Day:

Rubbing my eyes I sat on the stage in my skinny jeans and baggy shirt as I waited for the boys to stop ogling some new bar girl, "Guys, check your stuff" I whined, picking up my cherry smash and gulping the burning liquid down.

"You really need to stop drinking before each gig" Kurt scolds me.

"Dude, don't say that! She'll stop and then the gig's will be boring!" Steven whack Kurt over the head before he turns to me, "Drink up baby girl, we wanna see you try to dive into the crowd again"

I laughed and so did Brad, "Oh my god! Best. Gig. EVER!" he laughs and runs over to us and hops onto the edge of the stage and sat next to me, "Though I do wonder how you can even drink that shit - it's so queer tasting-"

"And that's why I like it" I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes before we hear Marco clap his hands.

"Right boys - get your asses behind the curtains and do what you gotta do, because the doors to this place is opening!" we all got up and raced behind the curtains, after the boys quickly checked their instruments and then we all fell onto the couches behind the stage curtain.

"Soo... has any boy gotten Kitty's eye yet?"

"Nope - how about any girl's over your end man?" I nudged Brad's knee with my foot and he shakes his head.

"Nah - relationships, who needs 'em?"

We all nodded before Brad grabbed a six pack of beer behind the couch, "Kurt, before you scold us - this is an anniversary for us, remember? Five years together, and we've gotten our own places, and a gig house! How cool is that?!" he handed out the bottles and we all opened them before we clacked the sides together.

"Right on man, hey Kurt - first time I met you, I thought you were cool" I joked and Kurt rolled his eyes, "But then I realized your got the Papa Kurt side and then the drunk side - so bottoms up bro" chuckling Kurt sipped his beer and we all continued to make our little 'toasts' to each other.

"Guys - you're on in two!"

"Good luck fellas!" we all hurried to our positions and I get a microphone handed to me. 

"And now, the Naughty Jupiter!"

 And yes - that's our name, we'll speak about that later.

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