Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

I walked in and realised the room was empty. Where did he go?

I went to the walk-in closet and grabbed a black pajama pants with tiny dots on them and an oversized jumper. It was freezing outside and all I wanted now was to be comfortable, and warm. After I changed into them, I headed back out just as Darius came in.

He shrugged off his jacket and chucked it on the edge of the bed. I awkwardly stood there. He seemed to be in deep thought, his eyes focused somewhere on the floor. Any longer and he would probably burn a hole through it.

Looking at the clock, I couldn't believe the time. Half of the city would be waking up in an hour to get ready for work.

"You should go to sleep," he told me and looked up at me. I blinked and looked away from those dark eyes. Should I say something? Was I meant to see what he did to Nicholas?

Was that why he told me to go wash my face? All these questions that were running through my head were only confusing me more. I shifted on my other foot, looking at the bedside table.

"Are you?"

"I have work to do." He turned around and walked back out of the room. I stood there for a moment longer and then sighed as I walked over to the bed. It was cold and it didn't help that the ducted heating wasn't on. Then again, I didn't know how to turn it on.

I grunted into the pillow. I lay on my stomach and closed my eyes. Damn it, sleep, come.

"Wake up, B*tch."

I felt an intense weight on my back knocking all the air out of me. I gasped, my eyes flying open.

"Rose?" I asked. I turned around as she hugged me. I nearly forgot about her. Hopefully she doesn't find that out.

"Thanks for calling me."

I opened my mouth to say something, but she stood up and shoved me toward the bathroom. "Brush your teeth, fish breath," she said.

I frowned as I blew into my hand. I smelled fine. Nevertheless, I walked into the en suite, quickly brushing my teeth and walking back out.

"Rose," I said. She was on our bed. Ok, I just thought, our bed. Oh, good lord.

"What?" she said, looking up.

"You know, if Darius sees you in here, like-"

"Who gives a shi*? He stole my friend for the past decade. My turn today."

I rolled my eyes. Decade, my ass, but I missed her so much.

"Go get dressed. We will be going out."

"Rose," I began again. She shot me a glare and I sighed, walking into the wardrobe. I really hope Darius was busy today and wouldn't notice me missing. I quickly changed and then realised something.

"Can I have a shower first?"

"No, I like you smelly. Hurry up. I am starving. What type of person sleeps till noon?"

I was shaking my head as I pulled on jeans and a casual top. I missed these clothes.

I came back out and she let a low wolf whistle, making me laugh.

"I nearly forgot how sexy your legs are in jeans," Rose complimented, albeit in a joking voice.

I shook my head and smiled, then grabbed my bag and shoved my wallet in.

"We have to be home by six, okay?" I said. I was too scared to even go out without telling him now. I don't even understand why he seemed so angry last night. And if he knew I snuck out, would I be in trouble?

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