Carve 2.0?

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Hi guys. So TSF & HE are already finished. :( It was a bittersweet ending but kudos to Chingyonce for sticking up to her original ending. Also, congratulations to the winners of the one-shots! :D

Speaking of one-shots, I noticed how I left the readers of Carve a cliffhanger. Did you know that it's actually not the ending? There was really a lot more that's supposed to happen but I was too excited to enter and submit the entry. Lol sucks to be me I guess.

So, do you want me to post the entire chapter on what really happened with Psycho Harry and Carmina? Did he kill her? Did she managed to escape before they can even get in his apartment?

Let me know! Leave me a comment. This entire one-shot is a dedicated to her for writing such amazing fanfics. :)

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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