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July 28, 1996

[Dean's P.O.V.]

It's a nice day, not too hot, Dean thought. He leaned back in the chair on his front porch and took a drink of water.

His thoughts were interrupted when Charlie, his best friend, walked up to him, holding something behind her back.

"Charlie are you gonna try to put lipstick on me again?" Dean asked, suspicious. The redhead just smiled and pulled out what was behind her back, a blindfold, and showed it to Dean before saying, "Dean, put this on. Don't ask any questions, just do it."

Dean looked at her like she had two heads. "Why?"

"I just said no questions, Dean," Charlie said, taking matters into her own hands and tying the blindfold around Dean's head.

"Charlie, are you trying to kill me?"

"Nope, just need to do something so my planning doesn't go to waste," Charlie said, smiling widely. She guided Dean to her car and he sat, somewhat uncertainty, in the passenger's seat.

"How long will this take?" Dean asked, starting to realize that she wouldn't say anything more. Charlie refused to say a word.

They drove for about ten minutes. Dean had a pretty good inner compass, but he got completely lost after two minutes. "Where are you taking me?" he asked.

"Not saying anything," Charlie replied.

"How long is this gonna take? I was busy doing nothing."

"You'll just have to see, Dean."

Dean sighed and leaned back, crossing his arms.

"Okay, Dean, you can stop your interrogation. We're here," Charlie said, sounding slightly annoyed. She took Dean's elbow and walked him into a house.

"Where are we?" Dean asked for about the fifth time.

"My house," Charlie said. "Take off the blindfold and put on the suit," Charlie said. She left him alone in the room.

Dean took off his blindfold to see the suit he'd worn to prom on the bed, as well as a green and blue rose thing. Was that what a corsage was? "What is going on?" Dean whispered to himself, but decided to trust Charlie and got changed.

Dean left the room, only to see Sam standing there with a huge goofy grin identical to Charlie's on his face. "Dean, you look great. Now c'mere," Sam said grabbing Dean's arm.

"Hang on, Sammy, what's happening?" Dean asked. Sam didn't answer, just pulled him into the backyard. Dean saw his boyfriend, Cas, standing in the grass and allowed himself to relax. It couldn't be too bad if Cas was a suit...why was he in a suit?

Cas walked forward and Sam let him grab Dean's hand. "Dean, you look...amazing. I know this is short notice, but--" Cas stopped talking and pulled something out of his pocket. "--I love you and you know I'm leaving for college, so one thing before I go. Will you marry me?"

Cas held his breath, alternating between looking at the ring and Dean's face. Dean looked like he had gotten hit by a bus.

"W-what, Cas?" Is this really happening? Please tell me this is real.

"Marry me, Dean. I got Charlie to plan it and Kevin will marry us," Cas said staring into Dean's green eyes, the eyes he had fallen in love with.

"Cas, this...this isn't legal. Is this even real?" Dean asked.

Cas just looked into Dean's eyes, giving him a perfect "who cares" look through the eye contact. Dean nodded and started to smile, and he found he couldn't stop.

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