Fighting for Life

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Chapter One

Beginnings aren’t always clear. A clear beginning to a bad situation for me came easily to my mind and till this day the situation seemed to get worse and worse.

I’ve always loved running it’s like second nature to me. The rhythm and the sound of my feet pounding on the ground, the thrill I got from knowing I was faster. My life depended on been able to run fast, lie convincingly, defend myself, hide well and blend in. All the qualities needed for people who lived in Sheffwick so that they could survive. Times where tough after the electricity shorted and people lost all that was technology, those that had been convicted of bad took full advantage of the situation. The rich lost their money, the poor lost the little money they had and everybody was brought down to the same level. Corruption reared its ugly head services that were meant to protect the common people turned against them, criminals who had been stopped got away in the confusion and riots. Criminals and the cops now drank together made money together and exerting others for their own personal ends. Soon parts of the world recovered from destruction, new inventions were desperately needed meaning new money. The rich soon got their fortunes back and places were separated, the rich lived in one part, among their riches forgetting the worries and the bad. The corrupt became more corrupt, living with the rich, preying on people’s fears and weaknesses. The poor suffering the worst with no privileges, most basic needs not met. These unlucky people were surrounded by the corrupt and the bad, unlike the rich they could not live in comfort and forget the bad times, for the bad times had not finished for them. Among all the negatives after the destruction of known life the worst was what had lurked in shadows now were not afraid they openly walked at night for shadow was everywhere, people where confronted by there worst nightmares for they were real and hungry.

Running was second nature; it anchored me to the earth like my kite string tying me to the earth. Something I had been doing all my life unlike the rich kids I didn’t do it for sport or competition, no I ran to save my life to keep my heart beating.

I could hear exactly what was keeping me alive, the beating of my heart ringing in my ears, as my feet one before the other pounded on the dirty pavement. Feeling the weight f the pack on my back I pushed myself harder gritting my teeth together and lengthening my strides making myself run faster I could feel the muscles in my legs strain and scream no different from every night. Behind me I could hear the heavy panting of Sasha the only friend I had left who hadn’t died, she’d stuck with me my whole life. She had my back and I had hers protecting each other. “Run faster if you want to live.”  I shouted knowing that my voice would be carried by the wind back to her. Again I heard her panting this time marginally closer. Sasha was also carrying a pack each filled with supplies dearly needed.

I took no notice of the surrounding area it seemed unimportant for it seemed to fly by. Openings to grey, dirty alleyways invited me in promising the possibility of an ambush and a high possibility of death. I ran past the openings not giving them a second glance. Before every run I picked a different root, scoping it out during the day the only time when we were safe. My shoes seemed to make a noise rivaling thunder as they hit the concrete one foot missed as it hit a wet and discarded plastic bag making my foot slide. Lurching forward I immediately readied my hands out in front of me to protect my face. I heard Sasha shout something from behind but it was lost in the unforgiving wind, next I felt a large, sharp slap on my back signaling that Sasha had bolted past me. A sign which meant, that I needed to get up if I wanted to survive. We all knew by now that you worked as a team, but never looked back. As I looked forward I saw Sasha’s running figure her bright red hair flowing behind her like a lantern in the dark.

Ignoring the tingling pain in my hands for I had shredded skin landing and the burning muscles in my legs. I bolted forwards like the Olympic runners, that is before all Olympics were cancelled. I ran through the pain, shaking it off for I would have to deal with it later. Sasha and I had more pressing situation for almost immediately after getting up I heard a near off growl, the growl of a predator closing in on its prey. They had come to soon, a sign that they were getting smarter. That growl represented everything I hated and feared, all that was wrong with the world. It was common knowledge they were fast but it was also know that they could be out run if you were smart and fast, Sasha’s and my life depended on it most nights. Between Sasha and I, I was faster it took me a fast paced 10 minutes t catch up with her fiery figure. “We have company” I shouted warning her of the danger. Her body seemed to lock up and she missed a step, nearly falling. Glancing at me I saw the fear and dread she felt in her dark green eyes, she had also realized that they were early. With a slight nod we ran what was the impossible, faster, for this was the exact moment everyone had feared, a sign of development in our enemies. The moment we had all dreaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2011 ⏰

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