Chapter 1 - The beginning of it all

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The door slams shut and I see Harry storm into the house looking very unimpressed with himself. I spring up off the sofa and head towards him knowing he is going to his bedroom.

"Harry are you" I get cut off by his door being slammed in my face."Harry." I whine as I drag out the y.

"Go away Lucy I'm not in the mood." He shouts back at me his voice muffled from him being face down on his pillow ... I assume...

"Harry please, what's wrong?" I ask again as I open his bedroom door and hobble over to his bed with my crutches and casted foot (roof incident) I climbed into his bed with him and put my arm over him.

HARRY :"I pants the girl that I like"


HARRY:"Yep, I know I'm an idiot, it was an accident, now I don't want to think about it."

LUCY:"Okay well why don't you make one of those videos you do and ill help you."


After Helping him film this parody video of a Justin Bieber song I left him to edit and hobbled back to my room to do my homework.


LUCY: "Harry stop fidgeting you pagan"

HARRY: "Shut up you retard"

"Right whatever," I say leaning on him to stand up, Getting out of our warm comfy bed (much to my disliking) I headed into the kitchen to get a glass of water I spot freezy sitting on the sofa playing on his phone. He hasn't recognised me yet so I set my glass on the counter and tip toe over to him.

"BOO!" I whisper-scream as I lay my hands on his shoulders

"Shit! lucy what the fuck that scared me!" He replied with a slightly angry tone "Why are you still awake?" He asks as I wrap my arms around him so my hands link together and rest on his chest.

"Thirsty." I answered rather quickly before ruffling my right hand through hair and grabbing my drink to then join him on the surprisingly cold sofa. "Oh God that's really cold" I complain whilst trying to sit on one of my hands and trying not to spill the drink at the same time. "Is Harry awake?" He asks another question, "Half, why"

"No reason"

A slightly awkward silence filled the room. "Sooo...." I try and spark a conversation

"Sooo how are...things"

"Good when you don't ask so many questions" You can hear the cheecky smirk in my voice,

"Hey, I'm just trying to be nice here" He puts his hands up and rests one on my low thigh just above my knee-in a friendly way "But seriously how are things I know your going through a rough patch with Harry right now." He wasn't wrong Harry and I had a huge argument yesterday about how I should be in a video (I don't want to be) but i tried to convince him i was much comfier behind the camera rather than in front of it, ultimately it ended in the both of us screaming and slapping each other. (A/N 0.0) "Lucy?" Freezy brings me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry yeah, umm I'm fine I mean I know we always make up regardless, plus I have to share a bed with him so..." I pull the sleeves of my...Harry's blue Nike jumper over my hands and cup the glass with a better grip whilst I'm speaking.

"Yeah I suppose, anyway, I should probably go back to my room" He stands up and takes ahold of his phone waiting for a response.

"Okay I'm gonna stay here for a while" I tell him

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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