Chapter 2: Abandoned

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The Next Morning
I immediately snapped awake and jumped up from my bed.
"Shoot I'm late for school! Carla! Get up! I lightly shook Carla awake. "What?!"
"We're late for school!" Carla does go to school with me, in the same grade. Even though she's an exceed she has a human form. I quickly through on my uniform, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. "Ugh! My hair!" My hair chose the perfect day to get frizzy from the humidity! I combed through my
hair fast and tied it into a high ponytail.
"Good enough!" I snatched my book bag up from the floor and rushed into the kitchen. "Where's Chelia?!" I looked down onto the table to see a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice. "What's this?" I picked up a note that read, ' Wendy, I saw you sleeping and tried to wake you up, but you were in a very deep sleep. So I made breakfast for you and Carla! I'll tell the teacher you were running a little late because you felt sick! ;) hope you enjoy the breakfast! Love, Chelia"

"That was nice of her" I said. "Come on Carla! Can you carry me to school again?" I nervously laughed. Carla then sighed as she fixed her tie, "Fine! But just this once!" I split the pancakes with Carla as we are before we left, we still had a little time to eat. She air lifted us to school and when we got there we parted ways. "Bye Carla! Thanks again!" I smiled and waved.
She waved, smiled back, then walked off to her class. After me and Carla said goodbye I walked to my class. Luckily, the teacher was running late and class hadn't started. I went over to my desk and quickly sat down before the teacher came in. Saved! Chelia sits in the seat across from me. "Hey! Thanks for the pancakes!" I smiled sweetly.
"Oh no problem! I had to repay you for the cupcakes you bought!" She smiled back.

"Attention class!" The whole class turned their attention to the teacher who was speaking in the front of the class. "Good morning! How's everyone? Isn't this weather wonderful!" The whole class nodded and talked in agreement. "Well, sorry to bum you guys out, but we have a project!" The whole class groaned in unison. "Yes, yes I know! But you'll get to choose your partners!" The class grew more excited. "Now stand up, walk around the class, and find a partner!" I immediately looked over at Chelia as I got up and went over to her. "Hey! Wanna be partners?" I said a little too excitedly.
"Uh... Sorry Wendy but I kinda planned on being partners with Romeo before you came!" She said apologetically. Romeo is her crush. Almost all the girls in school have a crush on him! Of course I was bummed but I couldn't show it. I have the tendency to be clingy. "No it's okay! I'll find a different partner" I forced a fake smile onto my face.
"Thanks Wendy you're the best!" She quickly skipped off to Romeo's desk.
I sighed glumly as I went to go find another partner. "Hey Aska want to be partners?" I asked a girl in my class who I knew and sometimes talked to.
"Sure thing! Can we work on it over at your place?"
"Okay that's sounds great! See you later today!" I exclaimed.
After every one had found a partner we sat down.
"Ok now, has everyone found a partner?" The teacher shout-talked over the class' noise. She looked around at all of us. "Ok make sure you guys are sitting next to your partner right now."
Everyone got up and switched chairs to sit next to their partners. I sat next to Aska and Chelia say next to Romeo. Romeo is such a playboy. His name matches his character -_-. When Chelia sat down next to him he "accidentally" touched hands with her. Chelia snatched her hand away out of surprise and blushed.
"Sorry about that!" Romeo apologized coyly.
"It's alright!" Chelia said and smiled.
I don't know why but I couldn't look away. I felt like I could burn a laser right through Romeo! In my thoughts I swear I heard someone calling my name. "Wendy" I stared a Romeo and Chelia without them noticing me. "Wendy" "Wendy!" "Hello?"

I snapped back into reality realizing that Aska had been calling my name. "Hey Wendy, are you okay?" She asked obviously concerned.
"Oh, sorry! Yeah I'm fine! What were you asking again?"
"What should our project be about?" She asked whilst taking out a piece of paper and a pencil.
"Hmm, donating to the needy?"
"Good idea" she dotted a bullet point and wrote "donate/giving away needed items to the homeless" next to it. Many ideas later.
"How about pollution?" She questioned.
"Global warming!! Helping the economy!" I said excitedly.
"Perfect!! I love it! We have our project!" She wrote at the top of the paper, 'Global Warming'.
I quickly stole a glance over at Romeo And Chelia and saw her giggling madly while Romeo was talking and laughing. I narrowed my eyes at Romeo. Before he looked over at us I snapped my head back to my paper in the nick of time.

Then the bell rang signaling class was over and it was time for the next period.
"Class dismissed! See you tomorrow! Make sure you have your project ideas written down!" I quickly gathered my things together and said goodbye to Aska.
"See you later!" I said nicely then quickly sprinted out the door.
"Bye!" She replied waving at me.
At lunch I looked for Chelia, so we could go outside to eat under the Sakura tree together like we did every day. When I spotted her I ran-walked over to her.
"Chelia! Let's go sit under the Sakura tree before someone else takes the spot!" I said happily trying to forget what happened this morning.
"Wendy, wait! Uh, slight change of plans? Heh..."
I walked back to where I was standing before, "What do you mean?" I said clearly not understanding what she was implying.
"Romeo invited me to sit with him!!" She said over excitedly.
"Isn't that awesome?!" She said grinning from ear to ear.
"Yeah!... That's great Chelia." I said trying not to sound to disappointed.
"Go sit with him! Have fun!!"
"You're the best!" She pulled me close and quickly hugged me the skipped off to meet Romeo to go to a table.
I looked at my feet feeling a little abandoned. Then Aska walked up to me.
"Hey, wanna sit together?"
"Eh?! Oh, hey Aska! Sorry you scared me!" I laughed. "And sure, let's go sit outside."

Me and Aska went outside, and decide to sit by the lake, not the Sakura tree because that's me and Chelia's spot.
We then sat down on the grass and ate lunch together. I looked over at one of the picnic tables and saw Chelia and Romeo eating together and laughing. It looked like Chelia was having a better time with Romeo then she's ever had with me. I turned my attention back to Aska as we just talked about everything. It was really nice eating with Aska! But this is the first time me and Chelia haven't sat and eaten together in our entire friendship.
I don't know why I felt upset best friends can have other friends! FRIENDS. Romeo's just a friend.
I was right. I am clingy.

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