sneak peeks!

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Alright, since it's gonna be awhile fer the next chapters in prisoner 3250, I'm gonna give ye some sneak peeks.

1- new arrivals. Not gonna say who, just know their important to the story.

2- Sky goes ape - shit and kills a hybrid ( if this confuses ye, just go to the explanation of the lab)

3- inside look of who runs the place

4- SHIT BLOWS THE FUCK UP ( nah I'm just kidding, but maybe I'll add in some small explosions)

5- darker side to sweet characters ( let's face it, we all knew this was coming)

6- creepy ass scientist.....

7- guard ranks

8- fluff and cuteness ( surprising fer a brutal story. Oh that reminds me, if ye can't handle gore or cursing.... then I'm sorry, the best I can tell ye is ta just not read me story)

( and by gore, I mean like surgery gore.... I work as an assistant to doctors.... I've seen shit)

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