I got up from my chair and took a deep breath. I then walked over to her and I can just that I was just getting more nervous than ever. Gosh I never felt like this before. This is really a change in me.

I can hear her laughing as I can hear her laugh at what Paige had said to her. She has such a beautiful laugh and I hope that I would be able to hear that everyday when we are together. 

"Psstt" I heard from behind me and I turned around and saw Roman looking at me. He gave me a look telling me to go on and I nodded at him. I then was walking slowly to her and when she saw that it was me she smiled.

"Hey Dean" she said smiling and that made me smile as well.

"Hey (Y/N)" I smiled back at her.

"What are you doing here near the table of food?" she asked. I quickly became nervous again because I was only here for her. 

"Oh you know just grabbing some food" I said and grabbed the first thing I saw which was fried chicken.

"Oh how nice" she said and I nervously asked.

Damn, now she is making me feel nervous. 

"Well Dean I gotta see you later I got a divas championship match that I have to prepare for" she said and then started to walk away. I was about to call her again but it was too late. I guess I can ask her after her match.

I then walked back over to Roman.

"Let me guess you didn't do it?" he asked and I shook my head. He signed.

"Dean how are you ever gonna tell her how you feel when you can't even stay cool whenever you are around her?" he asked me and I  shook my head.

"I don't know" I said.

"Maybe next time he suggested" he said and I nodded.


Roman and I are watching (Y/N)'s diva's championship match. I had to admit that she was doing really good and that I was really enjoying her wrestling. I don't normally watch the divas matches but since she was having a match tonight and also since I like her I thought that I would go and watch the match.

"Don't worry I already know who you are pulling for" he said and I just winked at him.

"But she is doing good right now" he said and I agreed with. I can tell that she was wanting this. That she wants to win this match and become the champion. She wasn't giving up.

The match continued for a couple more minutes until I saw that (Y/N) went for her finisher and she had gotten the 123. 

Oh my gosh she was the new champion. I am so proud of her.

"You are smiling really big I see" he said but I just glared at him. I hate it when he teases me about her.

"I am really proud of her and she really deserves it"

I was waiting for her to get back because this time I was actually gonna go and ask her out. I am not as nervous this time so it should go perfectly.

After a few more seconds I saw her coming down the hall with the championship on her shoulder and I was just smiling at her. When she got closer to me I pulled her in for a hug.

"Congrats" I said to her and she smiled.

"Thank you" she said while looking at it.

"Look (Y/N) there is something that I need to ask you" I said and she looked at me.

"Sure what is it?" she asked.

I took a deep breath and just hoped for the best. I hope it goes well.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. I was really hoping that she said yes because again she is really special and I want her to be mine.

"What?" she asked.

"I know you may be confused but listen for a minute. I think you are the most amazing girl here. You are constantly on my mind and I just can't stop thinking about you. There is just something about you that is making me feel this way and I am liking the feeling. Please will you give me a chance and be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes" she said and that made me smile.

"I promise you won't forget it"  I said and grabbed her hand. 

And guess from three years later, she hasn't regretted it and we are currently engaged. Life is just right for me right now.


Well here is another song imagine for you. This wasn't the imagine that I had planned on writing but I couldn't find the one that I wanted to write so I did say that I was gonna go and write a song imagine but I had no idea on what song to use. Until I remembered that I listened to this song earlier and thought that it would be perfect. So I hope that you like this imagine and this is another one that I made up by myself.

Vote, read and tell your friends and stay tuned for the next imagine.!!!

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