Innocent Eyes

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The dream

He was like an angel; his blue eyes like beautiful pieces of the sky had fallen into his pupils. I slowly turned my head, trying not to be obvious, but he was addictive, like my own personal drug. His eyes sparked like the ocean at night, and his smile like a thousand polished pearls. He laughed and I turned and our eyes met for a split second, and he smiled. He was too good to be true, but it was so realistic, such a nice feeling but slowly and slowly he started to fade away and i wake.


Getting ready

My face was full of perspiration, my hair is soaked in sweat and i feel sticky. My feet are stuck together and it’s an awful feeling. I pull my doona back with all my energy. I look at the clock above my be. Its 4:30 am, too early for me to be waking, but I decide to hop in the warm shower. I walk like a zombie to the bathroom, when I turn the lights on they blind me. Squinting I make my way to the basin. I turn the silver hand taps to cold and splash my face. Cold trickles of water drop to the floor. Suddenly everything becomes clearer. I lean over the sink thinking about my dream, but I can’t, I can’t handle it.

 I slowly take my clothes off. I feel a cold breeze and the hairs on my neck stand-up. But I make my way to shower and turn it too hot. I take about my hair and shake it a bit. I step onto the tiles and let the water run down my face. I think about my dream, i don’t know why I have it but I know I nearly have it every week. I know the boy from my dreams, I know I do, I love him n to laterally but I would if I knew who he was or what he is. But i am now crying, like a little lost puppy in the woods, which is frighting me, a lot. But i always seem to cry these days, mainly over petty things but there still there and I still cry over them. I slowly turn the handles till there’s only a couple of a trickle coming out of the tap. I step off the tiles and onto the lining of the floor. I dry myself down. I stare at myself, my long blonde hair falls just above my waist and my crystal blue eyes stare at my reflection, my skin id slightly tanned and slim. I realize I’m starting my first day at Mazilerd Boarding school where my perfect cousin Tinsley attends.

“Rory get up” I look at the time and realize I’ve  been up for more than an hour and a half, wow time goes fast.

“I’m coming Tinsley. I quickly shake out my hair and wrap a towel around it, and quickly wrap one around my body walk out into my room. Tinsley is in my wardrobe getting my uniform out. It’s an unusual uniform, its teal blue and black with a striped tie and a round collar.                                                                                                        “Do you want tights or socks”.                                                                                                                                       “Ummmmmm ill just have tights” I say shyly. She leaves after putting my uniform on the edge of my bed rail. I drop my towel to the ground and got to my wardrobe for underwear. I go back to my bed and sit on the edge of my bed. I put my tights on and pull them up my legs. I put my shirt on and button it up. It feels strange like crinkly new cardboard, but I’ll get used to it. I put on my tie trying to remember how mum taught me but that didn’t really get me far. So i put on my skirt, a plain black skirt that is about a little bit longer than my mid thigh. I put my shoes on and walk into Tinsley’s room with my tie in my hand. Her room is perfect. Her queen sized bed his made without a single crease in it. Pictures of her beloved boyfriend mason plastered all over her room. He’s like the most attractive thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I look at her, her hair perfectly curled and make-up applied like a princess. She has this certain glow about her, like that no can stop her. And that’s what i love about her. I look at her dressing table she has about twelve headbands standing as if they were important. So I politely ask why she wears them. She answers confidently

“Well I know I disserve a tiara but the school wont supply them for me so I wear headbands to represent them, all the popular’s  wear them. I look at her. Her body also slim dark brown hair in the middle of her torso and her eyes a whipping light green that you can spot from a mile away, my eyes are drawn to her neck. She has a gold necklace with diamonds in every second letter it reads BLESSING, of course. I realize why I came here and ask her “Can you help me with me my tie”.                                                                                                                      “Sure”. She approaches me and does this little twisty twirly thing with it and then tightens it and looks at me.                         “Do you want me to do your hair and your make-up”.                                                                                                    “Um sure” she leads me to her pretty little pink stall that matches with her dressing table.                                     “Where’s your jumper and blazer”.                                                                                                                                                  “Um ill get after you do my hair”.                                                                                                                                              “Okay”. She says not going to argue. I look at her dressing table. She has a draw just dedicated for make-up, anther for hairbrushes, anther for hair accessories and one for electrical appliances. She pulls her hair straighter out and straightens it.                                                                                                                                                         “You have beautiful thick hair”. I blush.                                                                                                                                             Um thank-you”. I look at myself my hair now touches my waist. She packs away her straighter and gets out her hair curler. She parts my hair down the centre of my scalp and takes the two front pieces of my hair and curls them back. She packs that away and opens her hair accessory box and pulls out a pale blue ribbon clip with a couple of pearls in the middle of it, and places it at the side of my head.

I move away from her stool, presuming she had finished. She pushes me back down.                                                     “Where are you going?”. I shrug.                                                                                                                                                                “I thought you were finished”. I say innocently.                                                                                                                                                 “Hahahahaha your make-up nadah”. She gives me one of those smirks and sits me back down. She looks at my skin and then gets out a foundation that matches my skin. She applies the foundation to her two middle fingers and applies it to my face. I am fascinated by her. She is so girly and perfect, but once again i am talking to myself and she looks at me weird. She gets out her eyeliner stick and tells me look up. She then pulls out a bright yellow and purple tube; I have no idea what it is but apparently its mascara. She applies it to my eyes and to finish off she put a cherry pink lip gloss on my lips and then places it in my hands, “Trust me you’ll need it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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