Chapter 7~ All for Jill

Start from the beginning

This is different! I snapped back, Stop arguing against my reasoning or get out of my head you stupid voice!

Tiger Lilly threw the first punch, narrowly missing Jill's face and rammed into her, throwing her to the ground. Jill rolled back and threw the girl down in the dirt. She hit the ground with a grunt and then scrambled to her feet.

Her face was contorted and misshapen with livid rage and murderous fury. Once she was back on her feet she began throwing punches, most of them missing. Her anger was blinding her and making her clumsy.

Jill was fast and calculating, blocking each of her blows, but one of her hits sent her arms outward. Sensing this opening, the Princess sent a flying kick to her chest, sending her sprawling on the ground.

"JILL!!" I yelled.


Jill's POV

I sprawled out on the ground, dirt smeared across my face and all over my back. Her kick had winded me and I was having trouble breathing with all of the dirt in the air. She was fast and she was strong. That hurt like nobody's business.

"Ha! Look at this girl!" Princess Tiger Lilly laughed, "Weak! She can't even take a hit!"

I looked up and saw Peter watching me. His eyes were filled with such anxiety and worry that I almost felt guilty for fighting.






"GO! GO! GO!"

I looked over and saw the boys cheering for me. Pudge had tears streaming down his little face.

"Get up mama!" He yelled, "Get up! You can do it! Don't let her win!"

Then Tiger Lilly stood over me. She had a malicious sneer on her face as she leered down triumphantly.

"Stay down," she commanded, "Accept it. I win."

Suddenly I heard Peter call out above everyone else, "GET UP JILL!! BEAT THAT SORRY EXCUSE FOR A PRINCESS SENSELESS!!"

The Princess and I both turned to look at Peter in shock, along with the rest of the clan who looked like they wanted to run a spear through him and roast his sorry backside over an open fire.

I used the distraction to my advantage and swiped her feet out from beneath her.

She yelped as she fell to the ground hard and I pounced on top of her, wrestling and twisting around her until she was face-down in the dirt. She struggled and tried to push me off of her, but I wrapped my legs around her waist and I twisted her arms behind her back. She couldn't move a muscle without hurting herself.

"Give up?" I whispered.

"Never!" she hissed, her face red with exhaustion and contorted with anger and pain.

I ever so slightly began twisting her arm.

"I GIVE UP!" she screamed in a shrill panicking voice and I released her. She rolled over onto the ground and got to her feet, staring at me intently. The boys erupted into cheers and ran forward to surround me.

"Jill!" The Princess called, and silence fell over the boys. They all moved in between the two of us protectively. I gently nudged them aside and walked forward to meet her.

"Princess?" I asked, keeping myself ready for anything.

"You have earned my respect as a warrior," she said, a smile on her face, "Not many people have beaten me. Hopefully we can become friends. Maybe you could even teach me a few things."

I smiled, "I'd like that."

The boys began to cheer again and Peter watched from afar, floating up in the air with the biggest smile on his face.


And now, for the POV that I know all you people have been waiting for...

Vincent's POV

"Mr. Vincent I will not send any more boats to the island!"

"We have to send more boats!"

"Vincent," Mr. Smee tried in vain to calm me down, "I think it would be best if you would leave."

"We have to go and find her Smee!"

"SHE IS GONE!" Hook roared, "I will not have a lovesick schoolboy hollering at me because he didn't protect his little lady friend! GET OUT! Or I'll RUN MY HOOK THROUGH YOU!!"

I glared at him angrily and left the cabin, slamming the door open with a satisfying slam. I hated him for saying it, but Hook was right. It was my fault. Jill had been my responsibility and I was supposed to take care of her. I heard her calling for me and I wasn't there. I wasn't fast enough.

I had searched the island every single day since she went missing and I couldn't find her. Every single day I took a boat to the island and I searched until sundown. On the third day I ran into an Indian, but he ran away before I could ask him anything.

Bucky caught me sulking.

"Get over 'er mate," he advised, "There'll be other young lasses en your loif."

(A/N Sorry to interrupt. "loif" is "life" in Bucky talk. He speaks weirdly.)

"Not like her," I replied, "I need to get her back."

"Well the only way that you're a goin' to be gettin' to the island is if ya' swim." Pete laughed, "Just get over 'er mate. We always lose our story tellers."

It was true. Storytellers never lasted long. Once I thought about it, it was a miracle that Jill lasted as long as she did.

"We're goin' on anotha' Earth raid soon mate," said Bucky, "We'll prolly find another story tella to take 'er place jus loik las' toime wen Cassie got captured by Indians."

"How could you say that?" I demanded, my eyes blurry with rage, "You make me SICK! Jill isn't something that you can replace! She's not a pair of boots! Don't you get it?! I don't want someone new! I want Jill! She was everything to me and I let her down! It's my fault that she's gone! I let her disappear!"

I stormed off the deck and into the crew's quarters. I didn't want to talk to any of them. They were sick, rude, disgusting pigs who couldn't appreciate someone's beauty if it slapped them in the face and kicked them where the sun don't shine.

Just hang in there Jill, I thought, hoping that she could hear me wherever she was, I promise, I will find you.


Hello All!

Hope you liked this chapter. As promised, I wrote a part with Vinny and Peter!

Next chapter will be the end of the fight and another surprise. Can't wait to hear what y'all think!!

Your fellow reader and writer,

Laura :D

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